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Why do women cheat

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It's the whole settling down thing that upsets the cart in my opinion. Some people male and female get the urge to wander. Tying yourself to one person for life is a tired custom.

Who knows, maybe sampling the delights of another relationship can add to a marriage or even help you understand that what you already have is all you need.

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If you treat the woman as she should be treat she won't cheat,just a few tips.

1/give her a time slot to have your meals ready.

2/You go to bed 1st to warm it in Sunday,don't leave it to her 7 days a week.

3Have the lawn mower ready for her,don't let her have to get it out of the shed.

4/buy her a golf trolley or clubs every 3rd xmas,other 2 houseware(like new leathers for washing the car and hoovers)to make her job easier.

5/Get her a takeaway on her birthdays,she shouldn't have to cook 365 days a year

Hope this helps,there's many more but lets not spoil the missus.

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It doesn't make scene, if some one is cheating they have to cheat with someone else,so it would be equal really unless they are cheating with more than one person,I don't think there is many women like that maybe there are a few blokes who cant control themselves,but from what I've seen most marriages that have problems just seem to run out of love and they just separate and move on,I've been married to the same women for nearly forty years never wanted to stray to much trouble I like a quite life,I've never found another women attractive enough to give up what I have for the sake of a quick fling just not worth all the trouble and heartache...

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Yes but it's not equal like you said. The single person isn't cheating on anyone.


So the randy house wife is cheating with the milk man the window cleaner the bloke next door like a carry on film,I don't think there is many women like that I've never meet any anyway and I've had jobs working in domestic places..

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