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Where to Buy Jumps

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Horse and Rider in Crookes may be able to help you - but otherwise I'd be temped to buy online, then they will be delivered too so you don't have to mess around taking your trailer or box to pick them up!


I like the plastic polyjump polls - they are easier to lift and move around, and of course will fall down at the slightest touch so your horse can't be lazy. You can buy them here - http://www.polyjumps.com/acatalog/PolyJumps_Poles_97.html . The other Polyjump stuff is worth looking at too.


But if you're on a budget it might be easier to go down the beg, borrow, or steal route! When I was a kid I made jumps out of all sorts of things - old barrels make good jump stands, crates can be used a fillers, ect. Old gates are great too, with a splash of paint. Maybe it's worth heading down to a tip or recycling plant and seeing if you can blag anything? I think you can even buy books on making your own jumps...


It you do this though you must be extra safety conscious. Remove any protruding nails and look out for rust or sharp ediges. Also make sure that any gaps in crates or gates aren't big enough for a hoof to get stuck. If you're a novice it might be an idea to get a riding instructor to check over your homemade jumps before you start using them.


Have fun :thumbsup:

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Yeah I've got some tyres, crates and that, but there's only 3 poles at the yard horsey is at and it's starting to drive me mad as everywhere else I've been there have been hundreds of them. So I thought if I was buying poles I may as well invest in some more wings. As it's not my horse I don't want to spend loads though and I know the kids at the yard will be sneaking them out when I'm not there and be quite likely to trash plastic belting around. Thanks for the link - i will have a look

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Yeah I've got some tyres, crates and that, but there's only 3 poles at the yard horsey is at and it's starting to drive me mad as everywhere else I've been there have been hundreds of them. So I thought if I was buying poles I may as well invest in some more wings. As it's not my horse I don't want to spend loads though and I know the kids at the yard will be sneaking them out when I'm not there and be quite likely to trash plastic belting around. Thanks for the link - i will have a look


Ah, okay, plastic might not be such a great idea - they do get borken more easily. Although you can dismantle some of them and then you could store them so the kids couldn't get hold of them?


I'd be tempted to try and get some of the old fashioned heavy wooden ones from somewhere. They are less practical for you, but also much more difficult for kids to use.


Wonder if anyone is selling any second hand? I know that when we moved our horses from Sheffield down South we sold off a load of stuff like that. Might be worth putting a few Wanted ads in local saddlers and livery yards..

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