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Rewarded For Abusing Their Bodies!

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I don,t know if only I feel annoyed about this subject or not but its about some people receiving numerous benefits for a lifetime of bad habits and abusing themselves such as smoking heavily, overeating and alcoholism!.I have neighbours who all their adult life smoked over 40 cigarettes each daily,as a result at retirement age one developed lung cancer and had one lung 3quarts removed!.His wife has furred up arteries and has breathing and heart problems,now they both claim every thing they can get their hands on!.In my book they brought it on themselves so why should they be rewarded in this way?,they could find the cash to buy over 80 Benson and Hedges a day but all of a sudden they are treat like paupers!.Don,t get me wrong I am all for genuine cases of people in ill health being helped financially but these two have spent the cash on several sea cruises putting two fingers up to one and all.it makes my blood boil!.:suspect::roll::rant::rant:

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I think some people end up psychologically brainwashing themselves of something which it is not, and that is why they get desensitised in their lives. Habits become your life. To be honest, I did used to overeat as well, because people bullies me or whatever, but it takes a lot of strength, and will power to walk away from something, or somebody, and actually leave them behind to their own bullying and actually create a more wonderful life for yourself.


A lot of people can become compulsive obsessive without realising. You can always see this if you can check that they are not mindful or care with what they say, or do.

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I don,t know if only I feel annoyed about this subject or not but its about some people receiving numerous benefits for a lifetime of bad habits and abusing themselves such as smoking heavily, overeating and alcoholism!.I have neighbours who all their adult life smoked over 40 cigarettes each daily,as a result at retirement age one developed lung cancer and had one lung 3quarts removed!.His wife has furred up arteries and has breathing and heart problems,now they both claim every thing they can get their hands on!.In my book they brought it on themselves so why should they be rewarded in this way?,they could find the cash to buy over 80 Benson and Hedges a day but all of a sudden they are treat like paupers!.Don,t get me wrong I am all for genuine cases of people in ill health being helped financially but these two have spent the cash on several sea cruises putting two fingers up to one and all.it makes my blood boil!.:suspect::roll::rant::rant:


But what about people that don't smoke or drink and develop life threatening illnesses, would you be so quick to deny them things as well old bean.

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But what about people that don't smoke or drink and develop life threatening illnesses, would you be so quick to deny them things as well old bean.


Or you can see it this way too. Why are we not wanting to help somebody make something of their lives and support their dreams but instead encourage them to drown their own sorrows by escaping through smoking, drinking, and so forth ? :huh:


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Or you can see it this way too. Why are we not wanting to help somebody make something of their lives and support their dreams but instead encourage them to drown their own sorrows by escaping through smoking, drinking, and so forth ? :huh:



I don't think people are encouraged to smoke and drink, quite the opposite it's a lifestyle choice, it's not illegal to do either, and I would have thought people with dreams get all the support they need.

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I don't think people are encouraged to smoke and drink, quite the opposite it's a lifestyle choice, it's not illegal to do either, and I would have thought people with dreams get all the support they need.


But you just challenged someone who said that they want someone to have good health, cos smoking causes cancer. :huh:

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