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Rewarded For Abusing Their Bodies!

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But you just challenged someone who said that they want someone to have good health, cos smoking causes cancer. :huh:


No it doesn't it doesn't help I'll admit , but you don't have to smoke to get cancer, do you know what it's like to have a life threatening illness, if you did you wouldn't be so blase.


I did not challenge them read it please, I was stating facts; old tup says his neighbours drank and smoked, I said people who don't do this still get life threatening illnesses.

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No it doesn't it doesn't help I'll admit , but you don't have to smoke to get cancer, do you know what it's like to have a life threatening illness, if you did you wouldn't be so blase.

That is your assumption. Yes, I know what it feels like, and yes, I do know what cancer can be like, cos my father passed away with this illness. As did many of my friends and their family members too. We are so mad, yet so upset, at seeing people that we love actually go through pain, and that is because we cannot get them to change their diets and so forth. But still. I still hope that the information we learnt about food, health and so forth can be shared to at least make someone's life better. People should indeed live smarter.


Preventative health is better than to not be in control and it gets taken away.


I did not challenge them read it please, I was stating facts; old tup says his neighbours drank and smoked, I said people who don't do this still get life threatening illnesses.


What facts ? Someone on this thread wrote something about being angry at seeing people waste their life away, and you stepped in and challenged the fact that he shouldn't write such things and leave people alone. Cos you want to preserve their right than to preserve their health. I do not get it.

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That is your assumption. Yes, I know what it feels like, and yes, I do know what cancer can be like, cos my father passed away with this illness. As did many of my friends and their family members too. We are so mad, yet so upset, at seeing people that we love actually go through pain, and that is because we cannot get them to change their diets and so forth. But still. I still hope that the information we learnt about food, health and so forth can be shared to at least make someone's life better. People should indeed live smarter.


Preventative health is better than to not be in control and it gets taken away.




What facts ? Someone on this thread wrote something about being angry at seeing people waste their life away, and you stepped in and challenged the fact that he shouldn't write such things and leave people alone. Cos you want to preserve their right than to preserve their health. I do not get it.



Yes you have the agony of watching a loved one with a horrible disease, but you are missing my point I am saying you DON'T need to smoke or drink to get cancer, or have a heart attack.


And yes I know better than most on here about life threatening illnesses, but hey ho I get on with it and every day is a bonus I wake up.

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I know where you are coming from Tup but medical care is for everyone and benefits are there to be had if you are entitled to them,self inflicted illness does annoy me though especially smokers,my wife is in the health profession and the amount of things she tells me about people are unbelievable,if you know something is going to damage your health then why on earth do they still insist on on smoking they must have something wrong in their brains in my opinion.I think smokers and alcoholics should have to pay some kind of medical insurance for their health care,we cant all be perfect though I'm very lucky I have good health but I do suffer from self inflicted thing catching up with me now that I did to myself when I was younger like braking bones and smashing myself up on motorbikes.

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Yes you have the agony of watching a loved one with a horrible disease, but you are missing my point I am saying you DON'T need to smoke or drink to get cancer, or have a heart attack.


And yes I know better than most on here about life threatening illnesses, but hey ho I get on with it and every day is a bonus I wake up.

I got your PM. I appreciate it, really.


I'm a woman, in her mid-30s. I read the thread as one of angst over how others do not value their body, that was all. Yes, maybe you are right to say that there are other factors that can cause bad health any way, but I did not think that was the intent of what the OP was on about but I digress.


Well, let's wish all good health in the 2014. Onwards and upwards eh ? :)

On a personal funny note, oh, how I wish my mother's words were not true about looking after one's body, but hey I must call her and eat humble pie at some point. :hihi:

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Old Tup,

(health issues aside)-a guy earns 100k per year over a number of years and spends it as fast as he gets it. 20 years down the road he has nothing to show. He’s earned it, spent it, got nothing and as it’s not illegal. He can now claim unemployment benefit, housing benefit, council tax benefit, free prescriptions, free eye test and glasses, free dental treatment.


He gets to 80 years old and goes in to a care home. It’s £450 per week, and apart from taking most of his pension off him ( which he has little need for in his circumstances) the government pay for his care- £1800 per month. He lives another 5 years and that costs £105,00 in care home fees (assuming no increases).


His very basic funeral costs are 2k at least, which are paid for by the government.


I am not making any judgement here on who is right or who is wrong. I will however say just one thing. We live in the United Kingdom.

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I don,t know if only I feel annoyed about this subject or not but its about some people receiving numerous benefits for a lifetime of bad habits and abusing themselves such as smoking heavily, overeating and alcoholism!.I have neighbours who all their adult life smoked over 40 cigarettes each daily,as a result at retirement age one developed lung cancer and had one lung 3quarts removed!.His wife has furred up arteries and has breathing and heart problems,now they both claim every thing they can get their hands on!.In my book they brought it on themselves so why should they be rewarded in this way?,they could find the cash to buy over 80 Benson and Hedges a day but all of a sudden they are treat like paupers!.Don,t get me wrong I am all for genuine cases of people in ill health being helped financially but these two have spent the cash on several sea cruises putting two fingers up to one and all.it makes my blood boil!.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


You don't think that smoking heavily, overeating and alcoholism are signs of psychological illness?


I don't think you can blame people for their illnesses.

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You could say this about most things though. Don't treat people with broken legs because it's their own fault they went skateboarding, don't treat deaf people because it's their own fault they were going to warehouse raves every weekend, don't treat people for heart disease because they didn't go for runs 3 times a week.


I'd bet my bottom dollar that you have been treated for something that you brought on yourself - but I suppose for you it's OK.

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Some relatives of mine have ruined their health by heavy smoking, overweight etc and were never away from the (Sheffield) hospital. I then heard that the hospital had given them an ultimatum -stop smoking or we can't go on treating you for these smoking -related illnesses. They stopped smoking.

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I don,t know if only I feel annoyed about this subject or not but its about some people receiving numerous benefits for a lifetime of bad habits and abusing themselves such as smoking heavily, overeating and alcoholism!.I have neighbours who all their adult life smoked over 40 cigarettes each daily,as a result at retirement age one developed lung cancer and had one lung 3quarts removed!.His wife has furred up arteries and has breathing and heart problems,now they both claim every thing they can get their hands on!.In my book they brought it on themselves so why should they be rewarded in this way?,they could find the cash to buy over 80 Benson and Hedges a day but all of a sudden they are treat like paupers!.Don,t get me wrong I am all for genuine cases of people in ill health being helped financially but these two have spent the cash on several sea cruises putting two fingers up to one and all.it makes my blood boil!.:suspect::roll::rant::rant:


Firstly, I think you should quit reading hateful gutter press publications that are causing you to sit in judgement of your neighbours, I bet you don't even know them or know anything about their financial arrangements; being consumed with hate and anger all the time will only cause you to become ill and no doubt you'll expect us taxpayers to fund the bill.


Secondly, get a life; it doesn't sound like your neighbours are having such a great time as it is without having Mr. Sneer living next door, after all what exactly do you propose we do with them, have them tarred and feathered then paraded around the city for all the other nasties to sneer in sympathy with you?


Why not concentrate on your own health and happiness it'll make you a better person.

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