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University students and meals.

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Students always like to roll out of bed first thing and eat sugar puff sandwiches. Then they start the day going down to the polling booth to vote for Nick Clegg. They then get upset when people who've been working all day are ahead of them in the queue.

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My mate lived off toast for almost a whole year. His special meal was 'salt & pepper toast'...not even joking. Learn to cook so you never have to live like he did. Watch Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals or some crap like that.


As a student I lived with a bunch of guys in a pretty grotty flat for about a year. We would go round to the local takeaway at closing time and the owner would bundle up loads of left overs. So we went to bed on a belly full of chicken and salad. In the morning the first up would warm up a left overs delight, usually battered sausage, chips, beans and fish cakes with curry sauce. That and a cup of coffee set us up for the day. You just can't find restaurants that can turn out a meal like that these days.

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As a student I used to eat 5 home-cooked meals a week, usually with friends, we actually liked cooking. A mate of mine lived in a frat-house with 9 other lads, one of them was a great cook and would serve meals for 20 people almost every night, he now owns three restaurants.


Of course that isn't quite matching the stereotypes is it? So I will happily admit that the other two days were usually spent on a diet of beer and pizza.

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I also used to cook for friends too and that is how I had friends. I bought them with my food. :hihi:


But yes, I used to love watching programs like "Will cook, won't cook" (is that the name?) any way to get that meal under 30 minutes and tastes yummie. :love:


Don't like Jamie. He is too arrogant.

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A cheap and easy meal I like to make:


Cube a breast of chicken and shallow fry.


Boil a pan of rice.


Place the rice on a plate with the fried chicken on top and add a splash of your favourite sauce (Worcester, Reggae Reggae, etc)


I call it chicken with rice.

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8p chicken noodles from Netto

All day breakfast in a can

Fried spam

Frozen-whatever was on offer


I think my saving grace was going to castle market, fresh fruit, meat, bread, fish and veg at decent prices and within walking distance.


I do still love fresh rainbow trout stuffed with breadcrumbs, butter, garlic and herbs.

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A friend of mine lived on a very small grant when he was at Uni (less than 1000 per year in the early 80s). It had to cover everything - rent, food, books, transport. (His parents were supposed to contribute the same amount again, but never did). So he did a bit of research and discovered that if you ate potatoes, apples, baked beans on toast and cocoa, you would get all the essential nutrients. So he did. For three years (apart from holidays at home). He looked pretty good on it, in fact.

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