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University students and meals.

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Students always like to roll out of bed first thing and eat sugar puff sandwiches. Then they start the day going down to the polling booth to vote for Nick Clegg. They then get upset when people who've been working all day are ahead of them in the queue.


Students start the day by going to vote but apparently some people have already been working all day despite it still being morning. Mr Rational is among us. Or is it Hillpig and Xenia who are back?

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My diet in the first year was pretty shocking. Pasta and sauce was about as sophisticated as it got. More often than not it was chicken dippers and chips, Findus Crispy Pancakes or those Findus Lasagnes. I reckon I probably ate an entire horse over that academic year.


There was a lad from my college a couple of years older who notoriously went to Uni, spent all his money on booze and lived on nothing but marmite on toast until he got scurvy!

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I haven't been a student for about 10 years now and I still can't cook. Other than reading instructions from a packet.


I'm going to make it this year's mission to learn.


Those Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals sound decent. I'll take it from there.


Good for you. An excellent resolution.


Pasta bakes are a good place to start, and Jamie's fishcakes (from the 30 minute recipes). Oh and his fish pie is amazing too and dead easy. (No fiddly white sauce to make!).


You'll also like stir fries, I should imagine.

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I wasn't a student in the sense, but I did live on my own for a few months to get some space. I already knew how to cook some things as I wasn't a lazy teenager and did Home Ec at school.


But I learned how to make curry's (thanks to a curry house near me actually letting me use a recipe of theirs after a few visits- still order from them sometimes.)


I did eat a fair amount of spuds, noodles and rice - all mostly with chicken or my own pasties depending. Beans on toast was mostly an 'end of the month' thing when I needed pay day to get it's arse there.

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My diet in the first year was pretty shocking. Pasta and sauce was about as sophisticated as it got. More often than not it was chicken dippers and chips, Findus Crispy Pancakes or those Findus Lasagnes. I reckon I probably ate an entire horse over that academic year.


There was a lad from my college a couple of years older who notoriously went to Uni, spent all his money on booze and lived on nothing but marmite on toast until he got scurvy!


If I had that nowadays I think I would be in shock.

As a kid, I also was fed on Findus Crispy pancakes too. Until I discovered fish fingers, and crispy chicken. :love: I thought I lived like the queen with crispy chicken over a bowl of noodles. Until I discovered the local market in Manchester. Then I really was the queen. :hihi:


I suppose I didn't really learn in my first year either. I remember my yoghurt diet with cornflakes until I had a blackout. Oops. :hihi: That was how I invented Muller's Corner. :cool:

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My diet in the first year was pretty shocking. Pasta and sauce was about as sophisticated as it got. More often than not it was chicken dippers and chips, Findus Crispy Pancakes or those Findus Lasagnes. I reckon I probably ate an entire horse over that academic year.


There was a lad from my college a couple of years older who notoriously went to Uni, spent all his money on booze and lived on nothing but marmite on toast until he got scurvy!


He should have taken a slice of lime in his lager!

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Students start the day by going to vote but apparently some people have already been working all day despite it still being morning. Mr Rational is among us. Or is it Hillpig and Xenia who are back?


Ah, Le Baguette, remember the general election or were you too busy gunning down Nazis?:hihi:

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I haven't been a student for about 10 years now and I still can't cook. Other than reading instructions from a packet.


I'm going to make it this year's mission to learn.


Those Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals sound decent. I'll take it from there.


The 15 minute meal book is good, but its not easy if you are just starting to learn. They are are tasty, but some things to watch out for.


They are not usually cheap - lots of igredients that you wil have to buy in - spices, fresh herbs, lots of salad veg that isn't cheap.


15 minutes is possible, but only if you have everything to hand, pans heated, water boiling and know what you are going to do next. You probably need at least another 15 minutes to get prepared.


You'll need a griddle pan for a lot of the recipes - very useful, can also create a lot of smoke - you are basically cooking stuff as fast as possible.


Its messy - 15 minutes doesn't give you time to wash up in between stages - great if you are on telly and someone else has to clean up - a bit of a pain at home!


That said, they are tasty, and you can modify them to be less expensive / messy as you get used to them - but they are probably not good for beginner cooks.

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I agree with the above. The same is largely true of the 30 minute book, too, although not such a problem with fresh stuff you might not normally buy...but they definitely take longer than 30 mins unless you have a willing kitchen lackey at hand to do all the dull stuff!


That fish pie is a work of genius, though...

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