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University students and meals.

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One of our student tenants was so undomesticated when he came to uni that he would heat up his hot-dog sausages in the kettle (to save getting a pan out)...generally failed to rinse it out or even warn, his housemates what he'd done, so they would end up with revolting, briny-tasting coffee and tea...not too popular.


Apart from hot dogs, he lived off bacon (which he incinerated in lard every morning at 4 am when he rolled in, making the house stink and setting off the smoke alarms), and Pot Noodle, which he shared with a feral rat he'd befriended and invited inside( having found it rummaging through the mountain of kitchen bin bags they had failed to put out for collection).


Not one of our best tenants!

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It's odd thinking back to my student days. I listened to one of my ex-colleagues recently over his daughter's experience at uni, and it just brings back such deep memories. :)


Uni is really about finding that independence, isn't it ? I always assumed that others will also know how to cook. I do not know why I just assumed that I too would know how to cook. I am actually thankful that I did watch my mother, and you just remember these kind of things.


I think my worst moment was when I had ice cream out of the same bowl as my spag bol, and then one of the girls went "ewww", and I stopped what I was doing and realised what I had done. :hihi: If you are hungry, then anything goes !


You just have to perfect it over time really. I also remember Tesco value being available when I was a student. 3p for a can of baked beans ? It made the headline news. I still cannot believe that my roommate could get her weekly shopping under a fiver. Really. I felt such guilt when I bought meat from the market for the first time. 10 pounds. OMG. :hihi:

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