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Ariel sharon dies

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you forgot the part about them wanting, for reasons best known to themselves, about bashing every other Jew as well.


---------- Post added 12-01-2014 at 14:30 ----------


RIP Ariel. Gone but not forgotten.


Israelis of course always called him Arik, not Ariel. Ariel was not his name, but Arik is not like Madiba, for Mandela at all. It is a bit of a mystery, why the outside world called him Ariel Sharon when he was just Arik, in Israel.

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Well come in No7 by your distorted values Hitler was not to blame for any death in WW2, Himmler never shot anyone either, did he? So most of those executed were innocent were they?


Stalin was also a good lad was he?


You must be proud of such heroes??????????


So the bad guys are really good, keep taking the medication, your values need it!

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If I can describe describe Ariel Sharon in two words, what words would I choose?


How about:


Morbidly obese? It's what killed him in the end.

Hideously grotesque? He even looks like a war criminal.

Inhumanely cruel? But the thousands of civilians he's responsible for killing are too dead to agree.


I'll give credit where it is due, and the israelis never miss an opportunity to sieze an opportunity, do they?


Would Ariel have been so successful in his landgrab of the West Bank of Jordan and collective punishment of Gaza if the Western powers at the time (Bush junior in the US, Blair in the UK, Merkel in Germany and Howard in the Australia) not been in thrall to the Bloodthirsty Zionists?


I can't help but think that if any of them had the moral courage to stood up to him, there would have been a better chance at a lasting peace in the Middle East. As events turned out, every dictator in the Middle East has entered the competition to kill as many Arab civilians as possible (Saddam, Gaddaffi, Assad, Mubarak, take a bow).


I'm utterly unsurprised that Blair will be attending Ariel's funeral; one expects that a venal traitor to his own population and party principles such as Blair would attend the opening of an envelope, if he would receive a pat on the head and a few shekels worth of silver from his Zionist puppet masters.


Poor Sharon never did live to see the Zionist wetdream of a pure Jewish state stretching from the Nile in Egypt, to the Euphrates in Iraq, purged of gentiles.


Nor did he ever get to use his non-existent nuclear arsenal of several hundred non-existent nuclear warheads that doesn't exist.


Now he has has been reunited with the thousands of civilian women and children whose deaths he is responsible. If Zionists are capable of basic human emotions, I wonder if Sharon's family are now feeling what the mothers of Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall felt?

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trust the Jew haters to swarm around this like flies. Not a whisper out of them of course when the real perpetrator Shabila and Shatila, Elie Hobeika, died 10 years ago. Unlike Sharon, they're not interested in dissing Hobeika and in fact you can bet that none of them have even heard of him. He wasn't Jewish.


though Sharon was only indirectly responsible for it Sabra and Shatila will always be a stain on his record. But in other respects he had a remarkable career and was especially in the later years of his life a surprisingly effective and also popular Prime Minister - for me at least, who had expected no such thing of Sharon and had hitherto believed him to be a soldier and no politician.


I will remember Sharon as being the PM who after the battle of Jenin, which the Jew-haters describe as a 'massacre', and after which so-called 'Zionist-controlled' media outlets such The Guardian described Israel’s actions as “every bit as repellent” as the 9/11 attacks, The Evening Standard, which said “We are talking here of massacre, and a cover-up, of genocide,” and The Independent, which spoke of a “war crime,” and The Times, which claimed there were “mass graves”, it turned out that a total of 75 people had been killed, a third of whom were Israeli soldiers and the rest nearly all Palestinian militants.


when Sharon visited Israeli troops afterwards, one of them asked him: “Why didn’t we bomb the terrorists from the air? That operation cost the lives of more than 20 of our comrades!” Sharon replied: “That is the painful and inevitable price that those who refuse to abandon their humanity have to pay.'


Seriously you have a massive chip on your shoulder. If someone criticises a Jew for murdering hundreds of people its not because they hate jews.


Get over yourself.

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He should have been tried in the Hague for war crimes,still no chance of that with the good old USA on Israels side.Still one down but many more to go.


Kinda hard to take a man in a coma to court tho isn't it??


They weren't going to arrest him while he was Israel's PM, and he had a stroke while he was in office and has been in a coma ever since.

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If I can describe describe Ariel Sharon in two words, what words would I choose?

How about:


Morbidly obese? It's what killed him in the end.

Hideously grotesque? He even looks like a war criminal.

Inhumanely cruel? But the thousands of civilians he's responsible for killing are too dead to agree.


I'll give credit where it is due, and the israelis never miss an opportunity to sieze an opportunity, do they?


Would Ariel have been so successful in his landgrab of the West Bank of Jordan and collective punishment of Gaza if the Western powers at the time (Bush junior in the US, Blair in the UK, Merkel in Germany and Howard in the Australia) not been in thrall to the Bloodthirsty Zionists?


I can't help but think that if any of them had the moral courage to stood up to him, there would have been a better chance at a lasting peace in the Middle East. As events turned out, every dictator in the Middle East has entered the competition to kill as many Arab civilians as possible (Saddam, Gaddaffi, Assad, Mubarak, take a bow).


I'm utterly unsurprised that Blair will be attending Ariel's funeral; one expects that a venal traitor to his own population and party principles such as Blair would attend the opening of an envelope, if he would receive a pat on the head and a few shekels worth of silver from his Zionist puppet masters.


Poor Sharon never did live to see the Zionist wetdream of a pure Jewish state stretching from the Nile in Egypt, to the Euphrates in Iraq, purged of gentiles.


Nor did he ever get to use his non-existent nuclear arsenal of several hundred non-existent nuclear warheads that doesn't exist.


Now he has has been reunited with the thousands of civilian women and children whose deaths he is responsible. If Zionists are capable of basic human emotions, I wonder if Sharon's family are now feeling what the mothers of Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall felt?


I would go with Leader and Brave.

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Himmler never shot anyone either, did he?


you are the one with the distorted values, although you fall into a well-trodden path of never being able to resist trying to compare Israel with the Third Reich, which is a totally reprehensible thing to do and is itself a form of Holocaust denial.


and comparing Himmler with Sharon? Are you serious? Sharon was a proper soldier. He shot at and was shot at by his enemies possibly hundreds of times, especially during the 1948 war when he was a teenager of lowly rank. He went into a crucial engagement in the battle of Latrun with his arm in a sling, having been injured in a road traffic accident a few days before. The Israelis were comprehensively defeated in that battle by the pick of the Arab forces, the Jordanian Arab Legion (financed by Britain and commanded by British officers), and Sharon himself was very nearly killed. Comparing Sharon to a physical coward like Himmler just won't wash, and only a totally ignorant imbecile would do it.



Poor Sharon never did live to see the Zionist wetdream of a pure Jewish state stretching from the Nile in Egypt, to the Euphrates in Iraq, purged of gentiles.



the antisemite racists never cease to bring up this drivel, that has been made up by themselves (some of them even claim, nonsensically, that this is what the design of the Israeli flag itself refers to), and they will never be able to find a quote by an actual post 1948 Israeli politician or serious figure (including Sharon) who actually ever said, or gave any indication at all, to anybody, that they ever believed anything of the sort.

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the antisemite racists never cease to bring up this drivel, that has been made up by themselves (some of them even claim, nonsensically, that this is what the design of the Israeli flag itself refers to), and they will never be able to find a quote by an actual post 1948 Israeli politician or serious figure (including Sharon) who actually ever said, or gave any indication at all, to anybody, that they ever believed anything of the sort.




Once again, you have proved that it is impossible to have a rational, reasonable debate with a supporter of israel without them dodging every point you raise and throwing insults back at you in a vain attempt to silence the debate.


Tell me, regarding israel's Middle East landgrab:


1) Has israel defined her own national borders yet? No


2) Has israel returned to her 1967 borders and pulled the israeli illegal immigrants out of the West Bank of Jordan? No


3) Does israel continue to build settlements in the West Bank of Jordan in violation of the Oslo Peace Accords that israel signed back in 1993? Yes


4) Is israel working towards arresting and expelling all Palestinians from the West Bank of Jordan without recourse to appeal? Yes


5) Does israel continue to violate dozens of UN resolutions relating to israel's human rights abuses of Palestinians? Yes

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Once again, you have proved that it is impossible to have a rational, reasonable debate with a supporter of israel without them dodging every point you raise and throwing insults back at you in a vain attempt to silence the debate.


Tell me, regarding israel's Middle East landgrab:


1) Has israel defined her own national borders yet? No


2) Has israel returned to her 1967 borders and pulled the israeli illegal immigrants out of the West Bank of Jordan? No


3) Does israel continue to build settlements in the West Bank of Jordan in violation of the Oslo Peace Accords that israel signed back in 1993? Yes


4) Is israel working towards arresting and expelling all Palestinians from the West Bank of Jordan without recourse to appeal? Yes


5) Does israel continue to violate dozens of UN resolutions relating to israel's human rights abuses of Palestinians? Yes


How dare you question anything a Jewish person does, you are worse than Hitler :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 08:53 ----------


you are the one with the distorted values, although you fall into a well-trodden path of never being able to resist trying to compare Israel with the Third Reich, which is a totally reprehensible thing to do and is itself a form of Holocaust denial.



No it isn't you berk.

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