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a comparison between Israel and the Palestinians, and the Holocaust is very definitely a form of Holocaust denial.


since 1967, the number of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza has TRIPLED in size. Their life expectancy has almost doubled. And their health, income levels and educational attainment have also increased dramatically. The average Palestinian now can expect to live much longer, enjoy much better health, have a much higher income and be educated to a much better level than they could expect 40 years ago.


in contrast to that, 75% of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe were murdered in only a few years. If comparing the first with the second is not a form of Holocaust denial, then I don't know what is.

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since 1967, the number of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza has TRIPLED in size. Their life expectancy has almost doubled. And their health, income levels and educational attainment have also increased dramatically. The average Palestinian now can expect to live much longer, enjoy much better health, have a much higher income and be educated to a much better level than they could expect 40 years ago.


Where on earth do you get these figures from?


And why have you avoided my direct questions?


You claim the Palestinians enjoy a blessed existence, a fully functioning society and a strong economy whilst simultaneously they are under complete israeli control.


This is an outright lie.


You might want to read what the israeli government really wants out of the siege and blockade of Gaza. Clue: It's none of the above:


WikiLeaks: Israel aimed to keep Gaza economy on brink of collapse


Cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv says Israeli officials wanted Gaza's economy 'functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.'


Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday.


"As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to (U.S. embassy economic officers) on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge," one of the cables read.


Israel wanted the coastal territory's economy "functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis", according to the Nov. 3, 2008 cable.


Palestinians say impoverished Gaza remains effectively a "prison" sealed off by Israel, and have called for an opening to allow normal trade and other links with the world.


So please, how does israel strangling the Palestinian economy, sealing it off from the rest of the world and blocking the import and export of goods into the Gaza Strip result in Palestinians having a higher standard of living than ever before? Run that by me again.

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a comparison between Israel and the Palestinians, and the Holocaust is very definitely a form of Holocaust denial.


since 1967, the number of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza has TRIPLED in size. Their life expectancy has almost doubled. And their health, income levels and educational attainment have also increased dramatically. The average Palestinian now can expect to live much longer, enjoy much better health, have a much higher income and be educated to a much better level than they could expect 40 years ago.


in contrast to that, 75% of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe were murdered in only a few years. If comparing the first with the second is not a form of Holocaust denial, then I don't know what is.

Denying the holocaust is holocaust denial, nothing else is holocaust denial. I maintain you are a Berk.

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people in Gaza have certainly got better lives than they had in 1967, when they were under Egyptian occupation. No question about that at all. There are three times more of them alive, for a start, which is the biggest difference between that and the Holocaust. 3 out of 4 of them have not disappeared, as in been killed, like Jewish people in German occupied Europe did and were. On the contrary, there are about 250 per cent more of them alive, which gives a total nonsense to any claims of 'genocide'. They live much longer, enjoy much better health, make more money, have access to better education, you name it all the socio-indicators are much higher than they were back then. To draw a comparison between contemporary Gazans and Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe is a common card antisemites often play. It is also a form of Holocaust denial.

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people in Gaza have certainly got better lives than they had in 1967, when they were under Egyptian occupation. No question about that at all. There are three times more of them alive, for a start, which is the biggest difference between that and the Holocaust. 3 out of 4 of them have not disappeared, as in been killed, like Jewish people in German occupied Europe did and were. On the contrary, there are about 250 per cent more of them alive, which gives a total nonsense to any claims of 'genocide'. They live much longer, enjoy much better health, make more money, have access to better education, you name it all the socio-indicators are much higher than they were back then. To draw a comparison between contemporary Gazans and Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe is a common card antisemites often play. It is also a form of Holocaust denial.


This is exactly what you wrote a few posts ago.


Simply repeating a lie does not make it the truth.


Try addressing my points in post#39 and #42, particularly where the aim of the israeli government is to keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse"

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Again, no it's not.


agree - no it's not - there have been a small number of crimes against humanity that stand out as the greatest atrocities in human history - the holocaust against the jews of europe, the japanese massacre of 15m civilians in china, the belgian congo, african slavery. these deserve the title 'holocaust'.


but that does not mean that the massacre of several thousand palestinians in sabra and shatila is OK - it's not a holocaust, it's just an act of brutal savagery and a crime against humanity.

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