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Worried about Nannan


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I wonder if you can help. I'm trying to track down a man who delivers fish in the Ridgeway area. My Nannan has been sold a huge amount of fish twice in recent weeks, far too much for one old lady living on her own to get through. She can't remember whether she went out to a van or the seller was going door to door, but she does not get out very often now so I suspect they came to the door.

I appreciate that everyone needs to make a living but my Nannan is a vunerable old lady who had no need for this amount of fish. Does anyone knows who the seller could be, so I can get in touch and ask them not to visit again?

I hope you can help. Thanks, Dawn.

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I have read in the past that they buy boxes of poor grade fish from the docks and pass it on at greatly inflated prices to vunerable people.


Please make the police aware of this and they will give your Nan window stickers saying callers are not wanted and please try to instill in her to not hand any more money over.

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Thank you for your replies and advice. Unfortunately we have nothing to prove who it could be be, and my Nannan isn't able to remember when they come. Hopefully some of the neighbours can help, and I will be conacting the police for advice. Thanks again :)

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Contact the police about it.


Obviously it's someone preying on vulnerable old people and the police have a campaign on at the moment against cold-callers. We had a letter through the door about it today from the police and Sheffield Trading Standards.


There was a contact email address - nicola.doolan@southyorks.pnn.police.uk


She's not the PCSO for your area, but she will pass your message onto the person who is.

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I can't really help you with this apart from the fact that this happened to my Nan, it must be about 11 years ago because she has been dead for 10 years next month. He sold her £90.00 of fish we went barmy at the time - she was taken advantage off. We had no information either but if it is the same person he is just taking advantage of vunerable people and should be stopped.


Hope you manage to sort this out.

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