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How Long Can You Go Without Eating?

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Depends on a whole load of things, including your weight and whether you have a condition like diabetes.


Most people could live quite adequately off their body fat and muscle for at least a couple of months, but they wouldn't feel good whilst it was happening.


Whilst recovering from a flu bug, stomach bug or a whole load of other conditions you're likely to feel wobbly and weak even if you were able to eat all of the way through, because the wobbly and weak feelings aren't due just to blood sugar.


Take it easy, if you haven't eaten for a while try something simple and bland like mashed potato for your first meal (contains lots of carbohydrate to perk you back up quickly and is soft so will pass through the stomach easily) and keep your fluids up. If you can stomach sweet drinks then some orange juice diluted with water will also help your blood sugar out, but please don't expect it all to be fine in one day. The recovery takes time.

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:o You're not thinking of going for a new record are you?

CD's are the thang



I've gone without soup, kebab's the whole lot.


---------- Post added 12-01-2014 at 23:10 ----------


Depends on a whole load of things, including your weight and whether you have a condition like diabetes.


Most people could live quite adequately off their body fat and muscle for at least a couple of months, but they wouldn't feel good whilst it was happening.


Whilst recovering from a flu bug, stomach bug or a whole load of other conditions you're likely to feel wobbly and weak even if you were able to eat all of the way through, because the wobbly and weak feelings aren't due just to blood sugar.


Take it easy, if you haven't eaten for a while try something simple and bland like mashed potato for your first meal (contains lots of carbohydrate to perk you back up quickly and is soft so will pass through the stomach easily) and keep your fluids up. If you can stomach sweet drinks then some orange juice diluted with water will also help your blood sugar out, but please don't expect it all to be fine in one day. The recovery takes time.


Thank you Dr Medusa, just made myself a hot pot noddy. and some mirco wave chips. UPDATE! The brown sauce on the chips made them edible, I feel whole again. only a little though :love:

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CD's are the thang



I've gone without soup, kebab's the whole lot.


---------- Post added 12-01-2014 at 23:10 ----------



Thank you Dr Medusa, just made myself a hot pot noddy. and some mirco wave chips. UPDATE! The brown sauce on the chips made them edible, I feel whole again. only a little though :love:


You aint eating those macain micro chips are you rampent? Only get about 3 in a box and they taste crap.Better just eating the box.

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You can go for a surprising length of time living off your body fat but you cna only go about 3 days without water, I seem to recall.


After an illness you may continue to feel rubbish because you haven't been drinking enough fluids. But water/milk/weak tea are better for rehydration than high-caffeine drinks or fruit juice. A desire for bananas on toast usually signals the start of my recovery when I've been ill. Never had flu though.


Hope you're back on your feet soon.


---------- Post added 13-01-2014 at 00:42 ----------


I'm on 1hr 35 mins and I'm feeling peckish already.


:hihi: You sound like my son.

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After my flu thing > I feel really weak:mad::mad: I think I might die.


How long can you go without food?


Opines? No jokers please.



I stayed with a naturopath In N,Queensland years ago who has the belief that fasting(and mono diets)among other things helps to evoke the bodies immune system .I stayed with him for about a month on a raw vegatable diet of mainly tropical fruit and juices then did a fast of 4days just drinking water from a nearby creek I looked and felt fantastic after it .


when i stayed with him he was in his late fiftys and he'd already done 4/ 28day fasts and 2 /56 day fasts in his life time and he looked quite healthy.

btw/ he may sound like a quack to a lot of people, but when I stayed with him he'd had success with getting a young female heroin addict to give up the drug,a pro soccer player who had emotional and other diet related problems and a host of other people who he seemed to be having success with mainly with is philosophy and fasting :)

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