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Alcoholic Mother


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I knew two women who died before reaching 40 through alcohol abuse. It has to be that persons choice to recover through education of the consequences. To me, that education has never been in place with no advertising like the cancer campaigns. Bless those who know and care for the ladies in this situation. To me it is the biggest killer I know.

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I knew two women who died before reaching 40 through alcohol abuse. It has to be that persons choice to recover through education of the consequences. To me, that education has never been in place with no advertising like the cancer campaigns. Bless those who know and care for the ladies in this situation. To me it is the biggest killer I know.


Fantastic post, well said I've said that for ages now

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Its people like this who the government use to make people like you think the way you do.

Bang on! that is why these stories make the headlines.

There is another one on T.V tonight all about the feckless unemployed who are stealing and ripping of the taxpayer.

When will they start showing us the Tax dodging aristocracy inc Prince Charles and his estates.


On top of that we have the bankers and money lenders with their obscene bonuses ,also lets not forget the people who lead this Country Cameron, Clegg, Osbourne and a cast of thousands all born into inherited wealth who are in the positions of power that makes sure that this wealth is protected at all cost.


So all these stories on Telly and in the press are well suited so as to turn ordinary working people against their own kind and most of us fall for it.

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No doubt I'll be shot down for having a different opinion to the rest of you but what an incredibly selfish woman she is.


"Beverley had ‘four beautiful children’, now aged six to 15, all of whom have been taken into care because of their mum’s chaotic lifestyle."


I mean, there was a thread on here where people were saying they'd go to jail for stealing if it meant their kids didn't go hungry - this woman can't even keep herself sober for them.


The only people I feel sorry for are her kids, who are probably all going to have screwed up lives because of their selfish mother.


If she was my mother and she couldn't keep a can out of her hand to stop me from going into care I'd know exactly how I'd feel about her.


Obviously, not her fault though...it's the Government's for giving her benefits. :loopy:


I can fully understand that attitude, because at the end of the day people are responsible for their own actions.


I had a mate who used to smoke 40 a day and enjoyed his cigarettes. He tried quitting a few times but failed. Then one day he went to the Doctors with a pain in his leg and it turned out to be a lack of oxygen to the muscle caused by smoking. From that day on he's never touched another cigarette.....He had the will power to stop smoking because of his health concerns.


Paul Gascoigne on the other hand has been given opportunity after opportunity with friends and colleagues all chipping in to give him the best advice and help, but he continues on his path to oblivion. I like Gazza as a personality, but I no longer have any sympathy for his situation.





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Its nice to see the caring attitude that us Sheffielder,s have. Regardless of how or why this lady managed to fund this lifestyle, the fact remains she is a young lady in her 30,s who has succumbed to a terrible illness, because THAT is what alcoholism is. It isnt for us to judge her, because this could happen to anyone of us. I am a smoker, who really should know better, and I understand that this filthy habit may possibly cost me my health, and yet I still do it. I work, so my habit is funded by me. Would that fact make my demise any better than the fate of this poor woman? I know it wouldnt, because we are all human, and we are all prone to making mistakes.

God bless this poor girl.

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I can fully understand that attitude, because at the end of the day people are responsible for their own actions.


I had a mate who used to smoke 40 a day and enjoyed his cigarettes. He tried quitting a few times but failed. Then one day he went to the Doctors with a pain in his leg and it turned out to be a lack of oxygen to the muscle caused by smoking. From that day on he's never touched another cigarette.....He had the will power to stop smoking because of his health concerns.


Paul Gascoigne on the other hand has been given opportunity after opportunity with friends and colleagues all chipping in to give him the best advice and help, but he continues on his path to oblivion. I like Gazza as a personality, but I no longer have any sympathy for his situation.






Not forgetting George Best who was given a couple of chances and still took risks. Lets hope this event is a lesson to people to prevent more choosing this path.

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No doubt I'll be shot down for having a different opinion to the rest of you but what an incredibly selfish woman she is.


"Beverley had ‘four beautiful children’, now aged six to 15, all of whom have been taken into care because of their mum’s chaotic lifestyle."


I mean, there was a thread on here where people were saying they'd go to jail for stealing if it meant their kids didn't go hungry - this woman can't even keep herself sober for them.


The only people I feel sorry for are her kids, who are probably all going to have screwed up lives because of their selfish mother.


If she was my mother and she couldn't keep a can out of her hand to stop me from going into care I'd know exactly how I'd feel about her.


Obviously, not her fault though...it's the Government's for giving her benefits. :loopy:


Alcoholism is an illness. No-one takes their first drink intending it to take over and ruin their life.

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It's people like this who give the Government an excuse to heavily tax alcohol, meaning the millions of people who like a few drinks, but are able to restrain themselves, have to pay through the nose due to those who can't control their drinking.


A woman is on her death bed due to a mental illness but all you can think about is how it affects the price you pay for your beer. Full of humanity, aren't we?


Alcohol is the biggest single cause of a lot of crime. That's another reason why the government is right to whack on taxes. And there are a lot of other lifestyles which lead to premature deaths - smoking, lack of exercise, obesity - that you don't seem too bothered about, perhaps because they don't affect your spending power.


Give the woman a break. She's going to die prematurely because of her state of mind. If all you can think about is your own wallet then you ought to learn that there are more important things in life than money - life itself for one.

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