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Alcoholic Mother


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Please don't judge. Alcohol can take over your life. It's a form of addiction. But for some reason as a society we feel the need to drink to relax. Quite sad really isn't it. I rarely drink and am lucky yes lucky that I don't have an addictive personality. But some people do it's in there genes and they really can't control it

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Alcoholism is an addiction not a disease


What difference does it make? I think people confuse the word "disease" with something that's contagious. You don't have to be able to catch something for it to be called a disease - Motor Neurone Disease for example. If we called alcoholism a disorder, would that make it better? It is after all a disorder of the brain. The World Health Organisation calls it a disease, for what it's worth.

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I've just seen this story in The Star:




I guess the general consensus will be that it's self inflicted, therefore no sympathy, but it is also very sad to see someone get themselves into this state.


It's people like this who give the Government an excuse to heavily tax alcohol, meaning the millions of people who like a few drinks, but are able to restrain themselves, have to pay through the nose due to those who can't control their drinking.






Things like minimum pricing for alcohol or higher taxation on it is due to over zealous do gooders that have an unhinged desire to control our lives and curb our freedom of choice, I doubt for one minute they even give a thought for people like the woman in the article.

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A woman is on her death bed due to a mental illness but all you can think about is how it affects the price you pay for your beer. Full of humanity, aren't we?


Alcohol is the biggest single cause of a lot of crime. That's another reason why the government is right to whack on taxes. And there are a lot of other lifestyles which lead to premature deaths - smoking, lack of exercise, obesity - that you don't seem too bothered about, perhaps because they don't affect your spending power.


Give the woman a break. She's going to die prematurely because of her state of mind. If all you can think about is your own wallet then you ought to learn that there are more important things in life than money - life itself for one.


I'm against putting up the price of alcohol for a number of reasons


1) It doesnt work you increase the price then alcoholics and those addicted will still buy it. It will only reduce the usage of those that can control drinking. You only have to look at the street value of drugs and druggies still pay it even turning to crime because they are addicted.


2) It is unfair to force those that can cope to pay more because others cant.


3) It doesnt solve the underlying problem. People are addicted to alcohol due to personal reasons so the solution would be to invest time and solve these rather than raising the prices and taxing everyone.

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Alcoholism is an addiction not a disease


The modern disease theory of alcoholism states that problem drinking is sometimes caused by a disease of the brain, characterized by altered brain structure and function. The American Medical Association (AMA) had declared that alcoholism was an illness in 1956. In 1991, The AMA further endorsed the dual classification of alcoholism by the International Classification of Diseases under both psychiatric and medical sections.


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