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Prostate examination?

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I had an endoscopy last year. It's weird, you can see your insides on the big flat screen TV. They shove the camera up your arse which comes on the end of its own Dyno-Rod like device and see how far they can investigate. In my case it was 2 1/2 metres, about 10 feet up :o


The gut is a very long thing and the dyno-rod is quite flexible.


The worst part of the whole procedure is the Klean-Prep you have to drink before, about 6 pints of it. Its a powerful laxative which makes everything inside squeaky clean so they can see with the camera. I had to drink the stuff in the morning, no breakfast, no coffee, then no food all afternoon and finally got the procedure at 7pm.


I had the top-and-tail investigation where they do the same thing, but down your throat which is termed gastroscopy (yes it's a different instrument they use). The endoscopy itself was OK compared with the gastrosopy, which was pretty well horrible.


Sounds very much like my procedure. Although, they didn't go as deep on me, fortunately :) A totally unpleasant procedure, especially with the cold lube.

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I had an endoscopy last year. It's weird, you can see your insides on the big flat screen TV. They shove the camera up your arse which comes on the end of its own Dyno-Rod like device and see how far they can investigate. In my case it was 2 1/2 metres, about 10 feet up :o


The gut is a very long thing and the dyno-rod is quite flexible.


The worst part of the whole procedure is the Klean-Prep you have to drink before, about 6 pints of it. Its a powerful laxative which makes everything inside squeaky clean so they can see with the camera. I had to drink the stuff in the morning, no breakfast, no coffee, then no food all afternoon and finally got the procedure at 7pm.


I had the top-and-tail investigation where they do the same thing, but down your throat which is termed gastroscopy (yes it's a different instrument they use). The endoscopy itself was OK compared with the gastrosopy, which was pretty well horrible.


Me too, I just drank the stuff on the toilet, with 8 rolls of Andrex Quilted Luixury with infused Shea Butter. Then just sat there with the laptop whilst I basically shat my insides out.

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I had an endoscopy last year. It's weird, you can see your insides on the big flat screen TV. They shove the camera up your arse which comes on the end of its own Dyno-Rod like device and see how far they can investigate. In my case it was 2 1/2 metres, about 10 feet up :o


The gut is a very long thing and the dyno-rod is quite flexible.


The worst part of the whole procedure is the Klean-Prep you have to drink before, about 6 pints of it. Its a powerful laxative which makes everything inside squeaky clean so they can see with the camera. I had to drink the stuff in the morning, no breakfast, no coffee, then no food all afternoon and finally got the procedure at 7pm.


I had the top-and-tail investigation where they do the same thing, but down your throat which is termed gastroscopy (yes it's a different instrument they use). The endoscopy itself was OK compared with the gastrosopy, which was pretty well horrible.


Nagel I was top & tailed in 2012 & yes Klean Prep is awful, when I had the gastroscopy it caused internal bleeding, so had 9 days in hospital. I had an endoscopy and had the bleeds stapled & cortirised. The colonoscopy is a painful experience and don't want it again twice is enough.

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Nagel I was top & tailed in 2012 & yes Klean Prep is awful, when I had the gastroscopy it caused internal bleeding, so had 9 days in hospital. I had an endoscopy and had the bleeds stapled & cortirised. The colonoscopy is a painful experience and don't want it again twice is enough.


You must have a tight arse :).

My wife had this done two years ago and found she had bowel cancer ( been there along time without any symptoms).Fortunately from the OP to months of chemo she got through it .Thank god we have wonderful technologies and amazing people that get you through this. Slag off the NHS all you want, for me it's the best there is.

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You must have a tight arse :).

My wife had this done two years ago and found she had bowel cancer ( been there along time without any symptoms).Fortunately from the OP to months of chemo she got through it .Thank god we have wonderful technologies and amazing people that get you through this. Slag off the NHS all you want, for me it's the best there is.


I'm not slagging them off in any way, they saved my life more than once, glad to see you're wife has improved.



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I've had cameras up my nose,down my throat but because of my breathing problems they decided I should have a Barium enema instead of the camera.


They filled me with liquid and bunged in a giant cork thing to keep it all in.


To hold in the bung they criss crossed it with loads of sticky tape, needless to say when it was "taken" off my poor eyes watered with the pain.


When I got home my missus looked and said my poor bottom looked like a chess board where the tape had taken the hair off.


Not a pleasurable experience, but far less alarming than the time that I had a prostate exam and happened to notice both the doctors hands on my shoulders.:suspect::gag:

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Nagel I was top & tailed in 2012 & yes Klean Prep is awful, when I had the gastroscopy it caused internal bleeding, so had 9 days in hospital. I had an endoscopy and had the bleeds stapled & cortirised. The colonoscopy is a painful experience and don't want it again twice is enough.


You might have been the person before me!


I had two gastroscopies and I waited for 1 1/2 hours for the second one, then asked what was going on. They said there were problems with one of the machines so I walked out and rebooked the appointment for the next week.


I later found out the the person before me had suffered from internal bleeding and they had to do an emergency operation.

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Had one done in front of five student doctors at the Northern General.


The main man was showing them the technique and then walked out the examination room to the consulting room next door leaving the students and me wondering what was next.


All I could think of saying was "he's very clever isn't he and really smart to put something up my rear end with both his hands on my shoulders"


Enjoyed the laughter although the main man in the next room couldn't understand the joke - maybe not that clever after all.


He's still my doctor a few years on and we laugh about it now.


:D :D :D :D

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