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Prostate examination?

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.............after reading all the posts on the prostate cancer tests for men, all I can say is good job men don't have to give birth!! Now THAT is an experience.......!! If I have ever had to undergo ' procedures of an intimate nature' I have been flippant about it and treated it with humour, found it helped greatly!!!!

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.............after reading all the posts on the prostate cancer tests for men, all I can say is good job men don't have to give birth!! Now THAT is an experience.......!! If I have ever had to undergo ' procedures of an intimate nature' I have been flippant about it and treated it with humour, found it helped greatly!!!!


It's been scientifically proven that men can handle pain better than women anyway. Child birth would be easy. A couple of paracetamol and off you go ;)

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It's been scientifically proven that men can handle pain better than women anyway. Child birth would be easy. A couple of paracetamol and off you go ;)


So why all the fuss about having a solitary finger put up your bottom?

Try having something the size of a melon in that general vicinity and I guess you would think it smarted a bit:o

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Theres some wimps on here, i had mine checked the other day and had the works, ultrasound ,xray,finger up bum and camera down pipe no problem at Rotherham Hospital,i would never be afraid after all it your life we are talking about if you have the slightest problem in that department get it checked out.

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Ive had both male and female doctors examine my prostate and apart from the enbarrassment I found the female to be more comfortable due I guess to her having smaller fingers. Ive also had the follow up Biopsy which turned out to be two young female doctors doing the procedure both of whom were professional and informative at every stage.

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