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Should the two Sheffield universities merge?


Should the 2 sheffield universities merge?  

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  1. 1. Should the 2 sheffield universities merge?

    • I think it is a good idea
    • Unsure
    • No way

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I know for a fact that some of this stuff you are writing about Hallam being worse than Sheff uni is a load of ****. Hallam offers a lot of different courses to Sheff uni for starters which is one of the reasons many people choose there over Sheff uni. For example, I study Sport and Exercise Science at Hallam which is not offered at Sheff Uni plus Hallam have better assessment marks for this course now than Loughborough which has been renowned for years for being the best sports university in the country! I had the opportunity to go to Loughborough but turned it down for Hallam for reasons such as the course was better for me and I preferred Sheffield to Loughborough. That just shows that people don't just go to Hallam cos they get **** grades. That is definately one of the problems with most Shef uni students I've met (not all I might add!!) they think they are so much better than Hallam students when that is not the case at all.

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Fonteyn, I think you are missing the point. No one is saying that Sheffield Uni is better than Sheffield Hallam. We are saying that the two institutions (University and Poly) ARE and SHOULD be different. They DO offer different kinds of courses. That is the whole point. Historically speaking! Polys offer a different kind of course to Unis (mostly). Universities are, traditionally, more academic, whereas Polys were rather more vocational. It depends what you want out of a course as to where you study. I chose a Poly for my course as opposed to a Uni for that very reason. We are not saying that they have second rate courses. The competition to get in to any institution these days is SOOOOO high because everyone wants to go. They only have limited places and so the institutions have to accept the students who have the highest grades to make it fair. The vast majority will apply to a Uni and so those with the highest grades will go (along with other assets). The difference between the grades can be so minimal. Most Uni students do not think that they are better than Poly students either. That is sordid misconception in the minds of SOME Poly students. In the old OLD days when the Unis were so very elitest then this would have been the case, but not any more. Different courses suit different people. However, there IS a difference between the two (a Uni and a Poly) and it is fair to say that! To deny it is ignorance. You have to admit though that some courses are a joke and shouldn't even BE courses! AND you can not deny that the standard of SOME students is appalling and they should not even be there. I know so many lecturers and lI isten to their endless whinging about disinterested students who ADMIT to being there just for the doss. What is the point in teaching people like this? It is Higher education. And by the way 'definately' is actually spelt 'definitely'.

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Originally posted by garrence

Certifications as in Redhat Certified Engineer etc?


You might prefer to do, say, software engineering instead of comp sci, as this would miss out bits of theory and cover more software design and programming.


What kinda job do you want?


I was thinking more Cisco Networking Certifcation,


Ive opted for Computing because I really dont know what I want to do in the field of computing, im the sort of person who knows a fair amount on several areas as opposed to specialising in one area, its my plan to find out what im best at then to further go on to study more in that area :thumbsup:


Jobwise, as above I just dont know what im good at yet :)


For instance, while im good at say software engineering (being one of only a few people in my college to complete the programming task out of over 70) I just dont like it that much :lol:

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Yes, to say there isn't a difference would be ignorance, although you can't say there isn't snobbery from Sheff Uni towards Hallam. I did some research at Sheff Uni a month ago, and many came across as feeling they were better people because they went to that university!

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Originally posted by Babooshka

How on earth can a Uni merge with a former Poly?????? Let's get real. They are two totally different institutions. I have to say, aswell, that after listening to my Ma (who works at Sheff Hall) DESPAIR (and this is a woman who loves her students!) at the calibre, or lack thereof, of the students who pass through her department, then I do not see how this can be possible. Some of her students appear to be dragged in for the funding. I went to a former Poly myself so I am not some university undergraduate wanting to see a divide between Poly and Uni students, but really, the two are in a different league!



hmmmm, if you check the university tables you will find that hallam uni is way above sheffield uni in the league!

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you have two different types of intelligence; practical and academic. oh and emotoinal. but thats not relevant here. Hallam caters for practical students more than the uni does, but the uni caters for the academic better. you dont need academic understanding to succeed in media studies, but you do for the understanding of metaphysics. im sure there's academics who cant do catering and design courses. its just the way people think. i'm at the uni by the way. But academic research has a certain amount of prestige, its centred around a better understanding of the world we live in. practical courses get you better jobs and... newer cars. maybe a garage as well. go get them tiger.

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Originally posted by Babooshka

We are saying that the two institutions (University and Poly) ARE and SHOULD be different.

However, there IS a difference between the two (a Uni and a Poly) and it is fair to say that! To deny it is ignorance.


Why are you refering to and comparing Hallam Uni as a Poly, this is in the past. Like it or not Hallam is a University, and has been since the early nineties, times have changed and things have moved on.....


Originally posted by Babooshka

I know so many lecturers and I isten to their endless whinging about disinterested students who ADMIT to being there just for the doss. What is the point in teaching people like this?


During my time as a student at Hallam I dont recall any students just there to doss, even more so with students having to pay their own fees or being sponsored by companies.

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Originally posted by mega_monty

During my time as a student at Hallam I dont recall any students just there to doss, even more so with students having to pay their own fees or being sponsored by companies.

Trust me, there's plenty there. Most of them don't make it past the first year though.

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Originally posted by pia03asc

you have two different types of intelligence; practical and academic. oh and emotoinal. but thats not relevant here. Hallam caters for practical students more than the uni does, but the uni caters for the academic better. you dont need academic understanding to succeed in media studies, but you do for the understanding of metaphysics. im sure there's academics who cant do catering and design courses. its just the way people think. i'm at the uni by the way. But academic research has a certain amount of prestige, its centred around a better understanding of the world we live in. practical courses get you better jobs and... newer cars. maybe a garage as well. go get them tiger.


Actually my media studies course is more academic than practical, and it is at Hallam. But yeah, I think if it was taught at Sheff Uni, it probably would be ALL theory.

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Should the two Sheffield universities merge? No not really. Am a Hallam student and i'm not one for all this 'us and them' crap but i have to say that the 'Uni of' students instigate this.


Sheffield Uni is living in the past and disillusioning itself by doing so.

The new 'in take' that arrive at Sheffield Uni every year are big suckers for this. They've been in Uni 5 minutes and associate themselves with the university's past successes, and i think, "hold on a minute, you haven't been a part of this at all". Thats what annoys me, their like bloody glory supporters in football.


I know a few people at Sheff University, for example a friend from my old school studying medicine another studies genetics and my ex studies linguistics, and have to say there not the most interlectual bunch. There so gulliable and not really wise about much, they seem sheltered.


"Sheffield Uni has better students and world-class research. Hallam is an old polytechnic and does get less-able students.


My gut feeling is that merging would just bring Sheffield Uni down" erm no, not really.


Hallam students are as intelligent as Uni of and are at an advantage as we're more wise to the world.

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