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Accused celebrities in the news today.

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I'm afraid you're wrong again, victims can be compelled to give evidence.


From the CPS website:








Perhaps your ability to use Google outstrips your ability to understand English. I think you will find that the example you cut and pasted refers to a "victim" who has reported a crime and the debate is whether evidence can be presented in private or the person is required to attend the court. It has nothing to do with a so called victim being forced into making an allegation.


Why not try to use your common sense for one moment. You cannot compel a person to press a rape charge against someone. That would cease to become their evidence and become a police fit up. But I'm sure you will devote the next few hours of your life Googling to try to find someone who was forced by the police/CPS to make allegations of a sexual assault against some poor sap.

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Perhaps your ability to use Google outstrips your ability to understand English. I think you will find that the example you cut and pasted refers to a "victim" who has reported a crime and the debate is whether evidence can be presented in private or the person is required to attend the court. It has nothing to do with a so called victim being forced into making an allegation.



However in the post you quoted, you weren't referring to a victim being forced to make an allegation-you said quite explicitly that a victim couldn't be compelled to give evidence. Even so, in the example I quoted the 'victim' may well have withdrawn the allegation.

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I think we are making the same point, Saville has never had the opportunity to defend himself, his reputation, possibly rightly, is in tatters. None the less the man was a cornerstone of the entertainment industry raised millions for charity. Surely we owe him a full enquiry rather than the 16th century style witch hunt designed to sell newspapers rather than seek the truth.


Saville is different in that he allegedly abused particularly vulnerable children in homes, hospitals and other institutions. That means that any sort of security, or checks were not made, and that is down to the (still living) people in charge, which in turn is because of the friends he had in high places.


I doubt an enquiry will ever be held as it would also put the spotlight on the rich and famous who supported Saville for whatever reasons, and more dubiously, what those reasons were.


A real can of worms...

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Looks like DLT is going back to court for the two undecided charges.




Former Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis is to face a retrial on charges of indecent and sexual assault, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.


The 68-year-old, from Mentmore, Buckinghamshire, was found not guilty earlier this month of 12 counts of indecent assault.


However, the jury at Southwark Crown Court was unable to reach a verdict on the two outstanding charges.


Speaking outside court, Mr Travis said the "nightmare is now going to go on".


Appearing before Judge Anthony Leonard, prosecutor Miranda Moore QC told the court: "The prosecution is seeking a retrial for two outstanding counts."


The BBC's home affairs correspondent, Danny Shaw, who was in court, said the prosecution and defence agreed there would be a two-week trial, for which a date was to be set.


Mr Travis was given bail and is due back in court on 28 March.


I don't know if anything has been said on how the previous Jury was on those two counts, whether it was a 50:50 split or a majority one way or the other???


Have the CPS got it right this time, after 3 failed cases??

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