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Watch Out for Homosexuals!

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Ralph knew 'Jimmy' in the early days. I know it's awful but that vid is on repeat play. It's surreal. I JUST CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!


---------- Post added 15-01-2014 at 20:16 ----------


Maybe it was crimes against fashion/style... have you seen his hair?




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Ralph had a sickness that was dangerous and contagious....lol. Homosexuality is apparently something you can "catch" from someone else. And Jimmy was released "on probation" to his parents. Ahh...yes. Homosexual behavior was considered a crime against nature back then. Homosexuality was equated with pedophilia. It is laughable in retrospect but as several of you have already stated, 50 years from now people will look back at all sorts of things we consider progressive and ask "what were they thinking?!"

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Ralph had a sickness that was dangerous and contagious....lol. Homosexuality is apparently something you can "catch" from someone else. And Jimmy was released "on probation" to his parents. Ahh...yes. Homosexual behavior was considered a crime against nature back then. Homosexuality was equated with pedophilia. It is laughable in retrospect but as several of you have already stated, 50 years from now people will look back at all sorts of things we consider progressive and ask "what were they thinking?!"


That's my fave line - I wonder if the makers could get done? Even now?


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Came across this American public information film from the 50's on youtube, where boys are warned to be wary of strange men because they could be homosexuals (who have a sickness of the mind) on the look out for easy prey to have their wicked way with...


I was shocked at first but on reflection it's a positive reminder of how much attitudes have changed in the last 50 years.


Forever more I'll be petrified of bald men in sunglasses...watch it, it'll give you the best laugh of the day!





As a kid of sixteen I was living down south in Sussex afer we moved from Sheffield. On Saturday afternoons me and three of my mates used to take the train to Brighton for a day at the seaside since there was little or nothingnto do on Saturdays in the town we lived in.


There were a couple of old queens who used to take a train to Brighton that day also as Brighton had a gay presence even back then. On one or two occasions these two old queens happened to catch the same train at a station further down the line and they would prance up and down the platform looking in the carriage windows to see if there were any teenagers aboard before they got on. I remember on one occasion they spotted us and one of them tried to open the door while one of my mates held on tight to the inside handle. He gave up trying to get in and looked for a compartment somewhere else on the train. We had a good laugh over that one :hihi:


---------- Post added 15-01-2014 at 22:09 ----------


Ralph had a sickness that was dangerous and contagious....lol. Homosexuality is apparently something you can "catch" from someone else. And Jimmy was released "on probation" to his parents. Ahh...yes. Homosexual behavior was considered a crime against nature back then. Homosexuality was equated with pedophilia. It is laughable in retrospect but as several of you have already stated, 50 years from now people will look back at all sorts of things we consider progressive and ask "what were they thinking?!"


Interesting though that so many public school boys were homosexual when they reached adulthood.


Co-ed schools healthy. Boys and male teachers only unhealthy


BTW Homosexuality was also a crime in Britain in the 1950s. The News of the World was full of spicy stories about clergymen and other middle aged men being busted for doing naughty things to young boys

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It was from the other day when I was looking for public information films to persecute johncocker with :P




coming from the man who as the biggest racial persecution complex on SF:hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 02:13 ----------


What were you googling Mr Friday to come across that?:hihi:





two thirds of his life on SF the other third on youtube :)

there again he does have a startled young pubescent as an avatar:suspect:

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coming from the man who as the biggest racial persecution complex on SF:hihi::hihi:
I love everybody jc, unlike those self loathing, teeth splitting xenophobes out there ;)


two thirds of his life on SF the other third on youtube :)

Actually the other third is spent on the Stormfront website winding up your one eyed buddies :o


there again he does have a startled young pubescent as an avatar:suspect:


It's recent picture of me actually, aren't you familiar with the phrase 'black, dont crack'? ;)

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I love everybody jc, unlike those self loathing, teeth splitting xenophobes out there ;)

you talking to your self again


Actually the other third is spent on the Stormfront website winding up your one eyed buddies :o


you'd have a lot in common with that lot

It's recent picture of me actually, aren't you familiar with the phrase 'black, dont crack'? ;)

is it multi choice?

1/Nature was Niggardly in her crack reparations.?

2/american ghetto anti drug slogan?

3/they're a bit slow in getting the joke?

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