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Watch Out for Homosexuals!

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Irans human rights official calls homosexuality a disease too= http://www.rferl.org/content/iran_rights_official_calls_homosexuality_disease/24444986.html


As an organism grows and develops, carefully orchestrated chemical reactions activate and deactivate parts of the genome at strategic times and in specific locations. Disrupting any of the three systems that contribute to epigenetic alterations can cause abnormal activation or silencing of genes, this can lead to abnormalities which can be described as disease, many such conditions are associated with abnormal epigenetics, including cancer, physicle and mental disabilities. One unproven theory is that homosexuality is a result of abnormal epigenetics during the development of the fetus.

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At the time (pre-1962) sodomy was a felony in every U.S. state, punished by a lengthy term of imprisonment and/or hard labor.


It was illegal in the UK until 1967.


As of 2012 it was still illegal in my state and 13 others, not that its enforced. Of course, I live in the Bible Belt so its not much of a surprise. I believe fellatio between unmarried individuals is also illegal here. Welcome to North Carolina, stuck in the dark ages.

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