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Been made redundant with immediate effect.

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I think the issue he has is that at 18 and with the state of the current job market, he knows he is going to really struggle, he has an appointment from an apprenticeship placement on Monday so hopefully something will come of that but the wage is poor compered to what he has been earning.

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I think the issue he has is that at 18 and with the state of the current job market, he knows he is going to really struggle, he has an appointment from an apprenticeship placement on Monday so hopefully something will come of that but the wage is poor compered to what he has been earning.


If he's looking to keep his job, then I would forget about that. If they want to get rid of him they will. He just has to decide whether he wants to fight for a bit more money or maybe get a better reference etc. They arent allowed to give you a bad reference, so most employers keep it factual i.e worked here betwee x and y period. He has nothing to lose by taking advice.

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He's got two and a half years' work experience, which is a sight more than a lot of young unemployed have and will stand him in good stead. To have been kept on for that long he must be a decent worker, potential employers will see that. I'd advise him to look at the long-term benefits of an apprenticeship over the drop in pay as well, if at all possible.

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Last week I was made redundant with immediate effect, I was told of this Friday and that was it.

They have offered me £240 redundancy pay and a months wage in lieu of working.

Thats it. No warning or anything and I am now out of a job.

18 years old and worked for them for the last 2 1/2 years after leaving school.


Can someone tell me if they have broken any laws?


4 more people were set on after me and they have kept their jobs?


Please help.


Not sure what to do now, worked solid from leaving school and I really do not want to sign on the dole.


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 11:07 ----------


ps, posting this on behalf of someone who is not on the forum.


How large is the company because if they are above a certain threshold they are legally required to give you/ this person notice their job is in danger something like 4 weeks before a redundancy notice is issued. Then your contractual notice period comes into effect. Then he has the minimum amount to receive as redundancy pay if he has worked there for more than 2 years which is 1 weeks wages per year of service.

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I think the issue he has is that at 18 and with the state of the current job market, he knows he is going to really struggle, he has an appointment from an apprenticeship placement on Monday so hopefully something will come of that but the wage is poor compered to what he has been earning.


I really wish him luck. With regards to the redundancy situation. The notice period does depend on how long you have served the company, and/or if this was stated in your actual employment contract itself. If this was not specified, then as I understand it, the statutory period (i.e. default by law) is used instead. There indeed is a lot of loopholes and you can question whether the notice was given in an appropiate manner. Because he is so young, I too wish him well. Cos if he put all his energies into fighting this and digging up the information, it may set him back personally and it is demoralising as well.


Just give the blooming company a good kick, swear to yourself, dust yourself off and move on.


My only advice are the followings:

- ask him to cut back his spending, to last him this period

- ask him not to waste time on jobs and chase jobs which may not turn out to be realistic, ask him not to give loyalty to any company. Don't let others guilt you.

- because he is 18 and has no savings, tell him to play the statistic game, apply all jobs, and see what comes up asap.

- Tell him to be honest and say that he is available for work to the potential employers. (They will be understanding. The ones that are uncertain and is not professional will drag you out a lot and do not inform you of what is going on. But the really professional ones will keep you in the loop and not to let you put more hopes on them and let you know where you stand and do not waste your time.)

- Ask him to sign up on the dole any way, as a contingency, just in case there is an overlapping period as well.

- Also, (and I have to be absolutely hands on heart on this one), do not give loyalty to the companies, and really ask him to focus on himself, and his own future and move forward. Even if it is hard. It will be hard. So do not blame yourself for what has happened. Cos redundancies are a fact of working life. Everybody as far as I know, has had this happened to them before as well. Most people do. Most people would normally put together a nest egg and run before it happens. Or that they sit it out. You never know, so do not take it that badly and internalise this.



Afterall, keep him as a mate, and keep on motivating each other. Cos it seriously sucks. Really it does. Ask him to go out and play footie. Keep his mind occupied, and do not dwell on it. Also, if it helps, then stay on one job before finding another one that is so much better as well.

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My only advice are the followings:

- ask him to cut back his spending, to last him this period

- ask him not to waste time on jobs and chase jobs which may not turn out to be realistic,

- because he is 18 and has no savings, tell him to play the statistic game, apply all jobs, and see what comes up asap.



Aren't you contradicting yourself there?

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Thank you to everyone who has replied on this thread, his spirits are low at the moment because he gave his all to that job and worked all the jobs the people who had been there longer did not want to do, as well as doing his own work.


I think he has learnt not not to be loyal to anyone anymore.


It was only a few months ago that he was in hospital because of the companies negligence, (he got covered in glass when a fork lift truck skidded on some wet water which should not have been there and crashed into a wall smashing the window and shards of glass falling on him ) he would not take it any further out of loyalty for them and I still do not know if it was recorded into the accident book.


His Mother has rang the company and gave them a massive eff bomb for the way he has been treated and now I think he is just going to move on and put it behind him.

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Well now's the time for a 'where there's a blame, there's a claim'.


Even if it wasn't entered in the accident book, the hospital will have it on record and people he worked with should be witnesses.


It's worth a try. Good luck to your mate :)

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Aren't you contradicting yourself there?

What I mean is, send out as many CVs as you can. If they do not return within a week or a few days, or if you had your heart set on one of them, and wanted to wait, then don't do that.


A lot of the times we have a preferred job, but powers that be may not grant us that specific job. Because this young lad has only got a short time to play with before his money runs out, he has to juggle and focus on the objective of getting the job. He also is entitled to do so any how, until they give you the actual paperwork or verbal agreement that the company is hiring you. If not, then he is under no further obligation as he goes through the different interviewing stages.


I normally will send out a bunch of CVs. Some tailored, some not. Some large organisation takes a longer time to come back to you. Some don't.


When you are into your 3rd or 4th job, and start to specialise, then this is different. As this young guy is only at the beginning of his career, many people will take him on and train him. It is almost expected. So he has to go and try for all jobs and see if he will get a feed back any way.


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 14:05 ----------


Thank you to everyone who has replied on this thread, his spirits are low at the moment because he gave his all to that job and worked all the jobs the people who had been there longer did not want to do, as well as doing his own work.


I think he has learnt not not to be loyal to anyone anymore.


It was only a few months ago that he was in hospital because of the companies negligence, (he got covered in glass when a fork lift truck skidded on some wet water which should not have been there and crashed into a wall smashing the window and shards of glass falling on him ) he would not take it any further out of loyalty for them and I still do not know if it was recorded into the accident book.


His Mother has rang the company and gave them a massive eff bomb for the way he has been treated and now I think he is just going to move on and put it behind him.

He also has to learn to be doing things properly. If the organisation is a large one, then normally they will indeed look after you and push you through health and safety processes as well, and teach you how to do the label intensive jobs more slowly, accurately and safely. In one of my job, I came from the construction company. It is expected. Their record is not to risk their employee at all. As sometimes death can occur if steps are not taken.


Your friend has to learn the difference between wanting to give someone loyalty, but doing the right thing and not jeopardizing his own health, and also risk his team and department as well. If someone is not doing the job, then ask him to ask "why". Cos it could be because it is risk adverse. In those circumstances, do not play "hero" or play "cowboy". Cos there is always a reason why a more experienced person is not doing that job. I can assure you that, not all companies will teach you how to be responsible. They can put procedures into place and keep people safe, but it is also down to the culture of the team, and the people's attitude to look after one another.


There is often a lot of reasons why he is made redundant. It is also if your friend was mistreated, then he could also sue too. Sometimes, it is one of those things that you got to ask yourself, whether it is worth fighting or not.


Your friend SHOULD have indeed recorded the incidence onto the accident book. Cos in not doing so, he is also not helping the company to claim the insurance related to the case as well. It goes both ways. To be loyal to a company also means doing the right thing.


Can you see now sometimes why the other people do not want to do certain jobs ? It could be because they see the risk. There are many things which others do not tell you, but you learn through time. But in older companies whereby their processes are a lot more safer, you will find that training is always a requirement even before you start a job.



Just ask him to be safe, and move on. Ask if he is also required to fill in the incidence book before leaving etc. Just be responsible. What you will find sometimes is that, not the whole company is working to conspire against you. Different people working in different departments do silly things which enable a situation to occur. I encourage him to tie his loose ends and then move on.

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Last week I was made redundant with immediate effect, I was told of this Friday and that was it.

They have offered me £240 redundancy pay and a months wage in lieu of working.

Thats it. No warning or anything and I am now out of a job.

18 years old and worked for them for the last 2 1/2 years after leaving school.


Can someone tell me if they have broken any laws?


4 more people were set on after me and they have kept their jobs?


Please help.


Not sure what to do now, worked solid from leaving school and I really do not want to sign on the dole.


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 11:07 ----------


ps, posting this on behalf of someone who is not on the forum.



think thee sen lucky ,same thing happend to me when I was thy age and all ar got was a bag of hot chestnuts and me bus fare hoam.

tha dont tha born.


ps ,posting this on behalf of someone who is bitter and twisted , and 3 kopeks short of a ruble

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