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Brain dead - Our god will intervene

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She's brain dead, no brain activity at all. So pretty much dead.


As for anyone recovering from that condition, I suppose it depends on what (if any) bronze age stories you read.


If these people believe that we have a 'soul' in the supernatural sense, then it makes sense (to them) that if the body is alive the spirit is probably alive too. That combined with the belief that their god can restore their daughter back to full health.

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Well, if she's not kept alive she will presumably die, which is about as adverse a physical impact as you could have.


What do you mean?


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 16:10 ----------




I mean is the fact she's being kept alive doing her any harm? Can she feel pain etc etc.

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Don't worry, it's not the UK taxpayer.


It was more a question about the moralities of the hospital.


Are they footing the bill, or is it more a case of them saying:


"sure bring your golden goose in here"


Treatment/care will run into the thousands per month - and clearly this family want to keep the poor lass around for a long time.

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It was more a question about the moralities of the hospital.


Are they footing the bill, or is it more a case of them saying:


"sure bring your golden goose in here"


The article doesn't make it clear, but:


Jahi's uncle, Omari Sealey ... would not discuss costs, but the Jahi McMath Fund website on gofundme.com said more than $56,000 had been raised on the teen's behalf by late Thursday


Treatment/care will run into the thousands per month - and clearly this family want to keep the poor lass around for a long time.


Dr. Art Caplan, head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center, estimates that it costs $7,500 to $11,000 a day to keep someone on life support. That cost, he says, should be enough to halt any trend toward extending life with machines.


"Most people won't be in a position to pay," says Caplan, who is not involved in Jahi's case. "Insurance companies are going to say 'stop.' Third-party payers will want no part of it."




Aline Holmes, senior vice president for clinical affairs at the New Jersey Hospital Association ... estimates that daily costs for a ventilator, a feeding tube and medications can run up to $20,000 a day


However, she also added:


"All of us in health care are more anxious about making these decisions about children," says Aline Holmes, senior vice president for clinical affairs at the New Jersey Hospital Association. "They are just kids. We all want to be extra, extra careful. A lot of times hospitals will make exceptions for children because it is much more difficult for everyone involved."

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Jahi's uncle, Omari Sealey ... would not discuss costs,


A lot of times hospitals will make exceptions for children because it is much more difficult for everyone involved."


So maybe, maybe not and no-one is saying.


As bad as it sounds that 56k raised through the website would probably be better spent giving the girl a decent funeral, and then setting up some kind of charity fund to go towards whatever the girl was interested in.


At 20k per day that 56k buys two and abit days more time :(

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Tragic case of a child dying after would appear to be routine surgery. She has been declared by numerous doctors to be brain dead. She has been moved to a undisclosed location "that shares her family's belief that she still is alive".




The parents seem to be god fearing folk, why would they want to keep her heart and lungs working in the hope that their god will intervene?


Assuming they're Christians, isn't the common belief that the dead will be in a 'better place'?

The parents are utter fools.

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