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Time to give people the right to die?

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic cancer. This is going to cause debate to whether or not people suffering from terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives and I was wondering where people stand on this issue.


My personal opinion is simple. Everyone has the right to end their lives. If my dog was suffering from a form of illness that meant she was in constant pain and could no longer enjoy her life I would not think twice about putting her down. Why should we have different rules for Human beings?

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic. This is going to cause debate to whether or not people suffering from terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives and I was wondering where people stand on this issue.


My personal opinion is simple. Everyone has the right to end their lives. If my dog was suffering from a form of illness that meant she was in constant pain and could no longer enjoy her life I would not think twice about putting her down. Why should we have different rules for Human beings?


Because human beings are, for want of better wording, more important. It's also ripe for unscrupulous relitives to put pressure granny to do herself in so they get the house. That said, as soon as I've had enough (although some days I'd do it now) I'll hop over to dignitas no bother at all.

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic. This is going to cause debate to whether or not people suffering from terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives and I was wondering where people stand on this issue.


My personal opinion is simple. Everyone has the right to end their lives. If my dog was suffering from a form of illness that meant she was in constant pain and could no longer enjoy her life I would not think twice about putting her down. Why should we have different rules for Human beings?


Because there will be cases where someone has there live ended against there wishes,someone who can no longer cope with the constant care required for someone in hayleys case[yes i know she isnt real] could end a persons life.Then if my loved one was in constant pain and begged me to end her life,then i would do it.

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic.


I think euthanasia should be made legal under strict circumstances. I do though think that starting the thread by quoting a fictional story about a fictional character might devalue the debate a tad. There are plenty of real life examples of people wanting to undergo voluntary euthanasia that would make the discussion more relevant to our society.

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We can moralise and theorise and debate the ethical arguments until the cows come home, but I suspect it is one of those issues where none of us knows just how we would feel or act unless we were closely involved in a real situation where we or our loved one faced this most difficult choice.


Not sure that the way Corrie is presenting it is helping the debate much, either.

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic. This is going to cause debate to whether or not people suffering from terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives and I was wondering where people stand on this issue.


My personal opinion is simple. Everyone has the right to end their lives. If my dog was suffering from a form of illness that meant she was in constant pain and could no longer enjoy her life I would not think twice about putting her down. Why should we have different rules for Human beings?


Therein lies the crux.

Ending your own life is your own business, ending someone else's is a whole different kettle of fish. It's a difficult situation and whilst I'm not actually against the idea, I think a lot more thought and debate needs to take place before I 'm comfortable with it.

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This Monday's coronation street will see Hayley Cropper take her own life instead of going through the last painful stages of Pancreatic. This is going to cause debate to whether or not people suffering from terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives and I was wondering where people stand on this issue.


My personal opinion is simple. Everyone has the right to end their lives. If my dog was suffering from a form of illness that meant she was in constant pain and could no longer enjoy her life I would not think twice about putting her down. Why should we have different rules for Human beings?


You're conflating two things here I think. Suicide is not illegal, everyone already has the right to end their life.

What isn't legal is for that to be assisted by anyone else.

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Therein lies the crux.

Ending your own life is your own business, ending someone else's is a whole different kettle of fish. It's a difficult situation and whilst I'm not actually against the idea, I think a lot more thought and debate needs to take place before I 'm comfortable with it.


I was just using the dog point to show how we won't let animals suffer yet we feel it ok to allow someone to be in crippling pain even when they want to allow someone to end their life.


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 16:13 ----------


You're conflating two things here I think. Suicide is not illegal, everyone already has the right to end their life.

What isn't legal is for that to be assisted by anyone else.


Would you allow someone paralysed from the neck down and who wanted to end their own life to be allowed to do so. Even if that meant they needed help by a relative or a doctor.


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 16:16 ----------


Because there will be cases where someone has there live ended against there wishes,someone who can no longer cope with the constant care required for someone in hayleys case[yes i know she isnt real] could end a persons life.Then if my loved one was in constant pain and begged me to end her life,then i would do it.


Think about a situation where , God forbid, someone you loved has a terrible accident and was paralyzed from the neck down. They could clearly communicate that they wanted to end their life. But you wouldn't be allowed to help them otherwise you could end up jail.

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People always use the argument that others might force the patient to euthanise. Very bad argument to stop a very humane thing to do, euthanasia has been legal in the Netherlands for a long time and never has there been a story that touches on this.


There are however plenty of stories where under certain medical circumstances death is a relief. I wouldn't want to live with locked-in syndrome, or certain nerve conditions that give you a constant sensation of pain (forgot the name now), would you?


PS doctors euthanise in this country and have done for centuries, these days it is called: "We will give the patient morphine to help with the pain of passing."

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