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Time to give people the right to die?

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That doesn't surprise me at all, I remember reading the guardian one at some stage.

Do you think majority public opinion, should be the reason the law should be changed? if so I assume you support the death penalty also.

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That doesn't surprise me at all, I remember reading the guardian one at some stage.

Do you think majority public opinion, should be the reason the law should be changed? if so I assume you support the death penalty also.


I actually quoted them sources to finally get it into salsafan's head that she is on the wrong end of the argument.


Also euthanasia and the death penalty are completely different. Surely you can see that.

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"Your a woman" What do you want? A round of applause:loopy: why are you bringing Gender into this. And yes i know exactly what abetting is and i want that law to change so people can help their loved ones visit dignitas without fear of prosecution.


By the way most people agree with me on this issue, you can't pretend otherwise. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2240959/Majority-Brits-want-assisted-suicide-legalised-new-poll-reveals.html



Because you made an assumption about me being a man and a solider and religious person, and painting me to be the above when I am not. So I am fighting you against those "facts " cos I genuinely feel offended by you when you wrote that. Those clarification has got absolutely nothing to do with your so called debate here. I just want ti say that much here. Despite you offending me already, you still continued to bulldosed over me anyhow in that desperateness for your glorified debate instead of apologising where you have insulted someone. Great

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Because you made an assumption about me being a man and a solider and religious person, and painting me to be the above when I am not. So I am fighting you against those "facts " cos I genuinely feel offended by you when you wrote that. Those clarification has got absolutely nothing to do with your so called debate here. I just want ti say that much here. Despite you offending me already, you still continued to bulldosed over me anyhow.


I refer to you as a "guy" because in the English language we often refer to people to people we don't know in the male term. I assumed you were religous due to the fact you seemed on the edge of reason and to have took leave of your senses. Did i refer to you as a soldier, don't think i did. Please direct quote me when i said you were a soldier.


In terms of offending you've called me "idiotic" and told me to grow a heart and a brain. So i really don't think calling me up using offensive language is a good move.......

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Are you sure that it is ME who is instructing you, or not a case of others co-ercing others and being bullied into those decisions ? As in brainwashing ?



You are the one supporting peoples lack of choice, why should you be allowed to choose to live if someone else is refused that right to die. Its about choice, you can choose to drag life on to the bitter end, and someone else should be allowed to choose to die with the assistance of someone else if necessary, everyone gets what they want.

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You are as much entitled to your opinion as anybody else is.... BUT that is what it is, an OPINION.


The way you have come onto this thread and insulted anybody who dared to disagree with your opinion is totally wrong.

Your ranting and blinkered views are akin to somebody who has been brainwashed, and I feel you live in cloud cuckoo land. Try living in the real world and show some respect for other people ( not just the ones who share your view )

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That doesn't surprise me at all, I remember reading the guardian one at some stage.

Do you think majority public opinion, should be the reason the law should be changed? if so I assume you support the death penalty also.


Absolutely, but it shouldn't even need a majority, the majority shouldn't be allowed to decide the fate of the minority, everyone should have the right to choose, as it stands the majority can choose to die whilst denying that right to the minority.

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Is there one post on this thread from someone who is A - old B- Disabled C- dying, you all seem to be either young or fit and healthy. I have COPD I'm 62 and it's getting worse, Walking is a bit of a pain, but............

I witnessed my friends father die from emphysema, not a pleasant site, wheelchair bound and rigged up with an oxygen bottle etc. to tired to talk, he weighed about 5 stone. not to dissimilar from what I have, If you think I'm going through that, you can think again. what's the normal inquest verdict " suicide while the balance of the mind was disturbed" lol my mind would have to be seriously disturbed to willingly suffer that torment. I'll vote YES to being allowed to end your pain/torment and if help is required then so be it.

The Dog synopsis at the start or this thread has been widely used, but it shouldn't/doesn't make it any less true.

I'd like to hear from people in the same position, rather than the If, brigade - I don't mean to offend, and all discussion is welcome but I think their opinions would count just a little bit more.


Well, if you think about it, we're all dying, aren't we, from the moment we emerge from the womb?

But, seriously, no, I'm no longer "young", and I'm certainly disabled, with a heart condition which will, in all likelihood, shorten my life expectancy. So I think I fulfil all three of your criteria.

I enjoy life, such as it is, even whilst suffering with depression and the limitations my disabilities place upon me.


I don't know if I could end it all... I like to think "where there's life there's hope" but like you, Itrytoplease, I don't relish the thought of being dependent.


I know that watching my mother, dying, after she had the brain haemmorhage, was horrible, and I would not want to put my loved ones through such torture. (and I know my mother would not have wanted it, either, but euthanasia or assisted suicide was not an option she could employ after the CVA.)

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Is there one post on this thread from someone who is A - old B- Disabled C- dying, you all seem to be either young or fit and healthy. I have COPD I'm 62 and it's getting worse, Walking is a bit of a pain, but............

I witnessed my friends father die from emphysema, not a pleasant site, wheelchair bound and rigged up with an oxygen bottle etc. to tired to talk, he weighed about 5 stone. not to dissimilar from what I have, If you think I'm going through that, you can think again. what's the normal inquest verdict " suicide while the balance of the mind was disturbed" lol my mind would have to be seriously disturbed to willingly suffer that torment. I'll vote YES to being allowed to end your pain/torment and if help is required then so be it.

The Dog synopsis at the start or this thread has been widely used, but it shouldn't/doesn't make it any less true.

I'd like to hear from people in the same position, rather than the If, brigade - I don't mean to offend, and all discussion is welcome but I think their opinions would count just a little bit more.




I am disabled. I am 59 this year and my condition will only deteriorate, it will not get better. I have made my views clear in previous posts that I am in favour of allowing ' assisted death '

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I actually quoted them sources to finally get it into Salfasin's head that she is on the wrong side of the argument.


Also euthanasia and the death penalty are completely different. Surely you can see that.

My point wasn't referring to the "complete difference".


And winning an argument, should never be more important then your convictions.

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