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Time to give people the right to die?

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My point wasn't referring to the "complete difference".


And winning an argument, should never be more important then your convictions.


Well she's under the impression that i'm representing a minority opinion when in fact its the complete opposite.


Also as a rule the majority of people wanting a law is not a good enough reason to legislate it. But when their are numerous examples of that same law working in similar countries then the argument becomes over-whelming.

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If my wife could help me go, without fear of retribution I'd let her do it.






This quote was taken out of an earlier post on here by Bypassblade who unfortunately is suffering a terminal illness.


I've posted this in reply to a post by Itrytoplease asking for views from old,disabled or dying


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I have some misgivings about euthanasia/ assisted suicide. I do worry that it will be used for nefarious reasons, such as persuading great-aunt Maud or granny to "off" themselves either as an inconvenience/ burden to their family, or because greedy relatives want the inheritance ASAP, rather than wait for the relative to pass naturally.


However, having watched my own mother linger, in a locked-in type state for 2 1/2 years after having a brain haemmorhage, I can also see the need for someone to be allowed have some choice about whether they have a horrible, lingering death, if they are faced with that prospect.


My mother had always said, after my uncle was killed in a bike crash, "If I were to be left little better than a cabbage, Please, put me out of my misery, I don't want to be left like that!"


However, because she could do practically nothing for herself, she was forced to linger til pneumonia finally took her, as a result of being paralysed.


If it is brought in, as an option, I think it really must be policed fully, to weed out the "Great aunt Maud" situation. Preferably a sworn statement on file, to declare the patient's intent, and to protect anyone that assists their suicide from being prosecuted needlessly. All the loopholes must be closed, all the t's crossed an the I's dotted.


I can't believe that anyone with an ounce of compassion for a fellow human could disagree.


The Nicklinson case upset me a great deal. Imagine being imprisoned in your own body, not being able to move, talk, scratch your nose if it itches, lick our lips if they are dry. Just a short period of that would be hellish, like being buried alive. I can't imagine having to endure this, and how anyone could want to deny someone the chance to escape this nightmare is beyond me.

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I can't believe that anyone with an ounce of compassion for a fellow human could disagree.


The Nicklinson case upset me a great deal. Imagine being imprisoned in your own body, not being able to move, talk, scratch your nose if it itches, lick our lips if they are dry. Just a short period of that would be hellish, like being buried alive. I can't imagine having to endure this, and how anyone could want to deny someone the chance to escape this nightmare is beyond me.



Agree with you totally.

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I can't believe that anyone with an ounce of compassion for a fellow human being could disagree.


The Nicklinson case upset me a great deal. Imagine being imprisoned in your own body, not being able to move, talk, scratch your nose if it itches, lick our lips if they are dry. Just a short period of that would be hellish, like being buried alive. I can't imagine having to endure this, and how anyone could want to deny someone the chance to escape this nightmare is beyond me.

That was a tragic case, that would have upset most people. But don't assume only you and those people who agree with euthanasia have the monopoly on compassion. How can you possibly know that those who oppose it lack the compassion you have.


They're are compassionate caring health professionals and family carers who feel as deeply as you when they see suffering, yet remain opposed to it, for the many reasons mentioned on posts earlier in the thread.

Among them are dedicated Macmillan nurses, those who work in palliative care and in hospices, and those who care for the disabled etc.

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That was a tragic case, that would have upset most people. But don't assume only you and those people who agree with euthanasia have the monopoly on compassion. How can you possibly know that those who oppose it lack the compassion you have.


They're are compassionate caring health professionals and family carers who feel as deeply as you when they see suffering, yet remain opposed to it, for the many reasons mentioned on posts earlier in the thread.

Among them are dedicated Macmillan nurses, those who work in palliative care and in hospices, and those who care for the disabled etc.


I can appreciate that Janie, I can only tell you how I feel, and how I would hope that if I was in the same situation that I wouldn't be condemned to suffer.

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That was a tragic case, that would have upset most people. But don't assume only you and those people who agree with euthanasia have the monopoly on compassion. How can you possibly know that those who oppose it lack the compassion you have.


They're are compassionate caring health professionals and family carers who feel as deeply as you when they see suffering, yet remain opposed to it, for the many reasons mentioned on posts earlier in the thread.

Among them are dedicated Macmillan nurses, those who work in palliative care and in hospices, and those who care for the disabled etc.


An awful lot of the opposition to Eutanasia comes from religion. It's hard to stomach that people such as Peter Smedley had to travel to Switzerland to kill themselves due to a unsubstantiated belief of a few.

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I can appreciate that Janie, I can only tell you how I feel, and how I would hope that if I was in the same situation that I wouldn't be condemned to suffer.
I truly understand that Olive.

I expressed some of my feelings earlier on the thread, so I won't repeat them.

The feeling I have now is that I've said enough on this subject.

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