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Time to give people the right to die?

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Doesn't some legislation somewhere say that people have right to pain relief?


In which case isn't the dose increased as a terminal patient has to cope with more and more pain? I would have thought that eventually the amount needed to control the pain exceeds what the body can tolerate, and the patient dies relatively peacefully.


Does this happen and is it against the law?

No its not against the law to prescribe strong pain relief as required, to the terminally ill.

The most important aim of palliative care (and they're are many other aims to meet their needs of course ) is to monitor pain and provide the best possible comfort, which would require adjusting doses or changing medication as is necessary.

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I always feel sorry for the old guys who maybe don't have a great quality of life, but I imagine myself in that situation...might not have the best life but not necessarily wanting to die either, but I'd feel like a burden to my family and the nurses and maybe feel under pressure to end my life sooner than I'd actually want to.


If someone really wants to end their life, they can usually do it one way or another, except for rare cases of locked in syndrome and the likes.


If you're really desperate, you'll usually find a way to do it, and that option is there to probably 99% of people who are terminally ill. OK maybe necking a load of pills isn't very 'dignified', but if life became unbearable then I'd choose any way out. (In reality the vast majority of people don't die in 'dignity' anyway. Either you're hit by a bus or you've got a defib throwing a thousand volts through you or you've got a nurse wiping your backside in hospital for the last two weeks).


I just think in the vast majority of cases, if you really want to die you will find a way. If it became legal you'd just get a bunch of OAPs who are terminally ill but with a bit of time left saying "Tell you what, I've probably got a few weeks in me and I might well have a better time than I would if I was dead, but I don't want to put my family out, I don't want to put the nurses out...the carers are probably annoyed at me because I keep asking for painkillers, just do me in.".


So yeah I think assisted suicide should remain illegal in England.

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Would you allow someone paralysed from the neck down and who wanted to end their own life to be allowed to do so. Even if that meant they needed help by a relative or a doctor.


I was stating what the law currently is, what I'd allow is completely irrelevant.


People can legally end their own life, they cannot be assisted. That tells you the answer to your question with regards to the law as it stands.


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 07:32 ----------


If you don't allow assisted dying based on the fact that some people my attempt to abuse the system. Then you remove the right for all the genuine people to be able to end their suffering.


No you don't. You remove the right for them to be assisted.

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Doesn't some legislation somewhere say that people have right to pain relief?


In which case isn't the dose increased as a terminal patient has to cope with more and more pain? I would have thought that eventually the amount needed to control the pain exceeds what the body can tolerate, and the patient dies relatively peacefully.


Does this happen and is it against the law?


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 00:31 ----------



Yes, but there may already have been medical intervention which has prolonged life, so I'm not sure God has that much of a say in it anyway...


Which makes the church's opposition to euthanasia more barmy.


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 12:01 ----------


I was stating what the law currently is, what I'd allow is completely irrelevant.


People can legally end their own life, they cannot be assisted. That tells you the answer to your question with regards to the law as it stands.


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 07:32 ----------



No you don't. You remove the right for them to be assisted.


Which for many people who have terrible diseases, means they have no right to die.


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 12:27 ----------


Surely the right to end your own life goes to the core of the concept of individual liberty?

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As I see it pressure might be put on the person to end their life for reasons of expensive or difficult care or inheritance pressure from relatives. It shouldn't be so, but it has to be a consideration.


You can't deny a treatment to the vast majority of decent people just because you think someone may abuse it.

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To be honest, why are we even talking about human lives as cheaply and as unethically as we are doing ? Yes, society changes, but we do not have to follow it that way. What are people even suggesting ? That you are just a number, and if you are no further use to society, then we kill ourselves ? Governments, society, and technology should BE for the people. Not the people should follow society and these hype. Remind yourself of the important things in life.


Don't make society change its law so that we see human lives so cheaply and as a commodity. As in, if you are no longer useful to us, then please go and ill yourself via euthanasia ! It is so horrible to think that way. Where will society be ? Cos if you open this can of worm, then this is the path that we will walk down towards. Humanity cannot be bought. Think of the nurses or those who have to help the person die. Do they really want to be that brutal person and to give them that drug to help the person pass on their lives knowing that they are no longer useful to society ? What a thought.


People live for people. They do not live for brutality. Stop thinking so morbidly.


Remember also, if you had the chance to be born, you were born out of LOVE. Not out of hatred.

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To be honest, why are we even talking about human lives as cheaply and as unethically as we are doing ? Yes, society changes, but we do not have to follow it that way. What are people even suggesting ? That you are just a number, and if you are no further use to society, then we kill ourselves ? Governments, society, and technology should BE for the people. Not the people should follow society and these hype. Remind yourself of the important things in life.


Don't make society change its law so that we see human lives so cheaply and as a commodity. As in, if you are no longer useful to us, then please go and ill yourself via euthanasia ! It is so horrible to think that way. Where will society be ? Cos if you open this can of worm, then this is the path that we will walk down towards. Humanity cannot be bought. Think of the nurses or those who have to help the person die. Do they really want to be that brutal person and to give them that drug to help the person pass on their lives knowing that they are no longer useful to society ? What a thought.


People live for people. They do not live for brutality. Stop thinking so morbidly.


Remember also, if you had the chance to be born, you were born out of LOVE. Not out of hatred.





So would you call a vet a 'brutal' person because he/she puts animals to sleep ? It is not brutality, it is kindness.

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After seeing my cousin die from MND - a slow, protracted death coming ultimately from suffocating through no longer being able to breathe - I fully support assisted suicide. To keep a person alive against their wishes is one of the worst forms of cruelty.


The fact that doctors have to effectively starve or suffocate people to death (those who aren't going to recover), but can't end their life quickly and painlessly, is also astounding to me. How is that right?

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To be honest, why are we even talking about human lives as cheaply and as unethically as we are doing ? Yes, society changes, but we do not have to follow it that way. What are people even suggesting ? That you are just a number, and if you are no further use to society, then we kill ourselves ? Governments, society, and technology should BE for the people. Not the people should follow society and these hype. Remind yourself of the important things in life.


Don't make society change its law so that we see human lives so cheaply and as a commodity. As in, if you are no longer useful to us, then please go and ill yourself via euthanasia ! It is so horrible to think that way. Where will society be ? Cos if you open this can of worm, then this is the path that we will walk down towards. Humanity cannot be bought. Think of the nurses or those who have to help the person die. Do they really want to be that brutal person and to give them that drug to help the person pass on their lives knowing that they are no longer useful to society ? What a thought.


People live for people. They do not live for brutality. Stop thinking so morbidly.


Remember also, if you had the chance to be born, you were born out of LOVE. Not out of hatred.


This the question is actually very simple. Should someone with a terminal illness, paralysis or Locked in syndrome be allowed to end their own life with assistance if they so choose? I say yes. People have the right to end their own life. It goes to core of being a individual.


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 18:29 ----------


After seeing my cousin die from MND - a slow, protracted death coming ultimately from suffocating through no longer being able to breathe - I fully support assisted suicide. To keep a person alive against their wishes is one of the worst forms of cruelty.


The fact that doctors have to effectively starve or suffocate people to death (those who aren't going to recover), but can't end their life quickly and painlessly, is also astounding to me. How is that right?


Bang on the nail.

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