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Time to give people the right to die?

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The guys a complete moron. He says i don't even have a right to bring up the subject.

That is just how much you assume. I am a WOMAN !


I find this subject pretty upsetting to be honest, and I thought to myself, "should I say this or should I not say this ?" "Cos this guy sounds pretty arrogant in my eyes." I do pity him cos his view is kind of one-sided so far. Maybe you like to "debate" every single darn subject that you like, but until you have walked into someone else's shoes. Don't go there. Subjects like this is not even for public discussion. There are 70 millions of us. 70. How can you even state so arrogantly that you represent all of the British people ? How arrogant are you exactly ?


I pity those other forummers who has to put up with this kind of idiotic infancy "debates".


You certainly cannot read between the line and actually know what human emotions are and what humanity means and how being a family member of those who are ill really means. Cos if you do, I do not doubt that you wouldn't actually even say such idiotic thing online and so publicly. I really do not.


So you are saying that you are a social activist, but you are acting against those who has walked in those shoes of seeing their loved ones hurt, and you are suggesting solutions which they do not want ? I see, that makes sense.


Just because some people love their cats. I love my parents more. There you go. How is that for simple solutions and decided decisions ? Talking about immature emotions and basic relationship skills and understanding and love is like... Get off the thread, seriously. :confused:

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That is just how much you assume. I am a WOMAN !


I find this subject pretty upsetting to be honest, and I thought to myself, "should I say this or should I not say this ?" "Cos this guy sounds pretty arrogant in my eyes." I do pity him cos his view is kind of one-sided so far. Maybe you like to "debate" every single darn subject that you like, but until you have walked into someone else's shoes. Don't go there. Subjects like this is not even for public discussion. There are 70 millions of us. 70. How can you even state so arrogantly that you represent all of the British people ? How arrogant are you exactly ?


I pity those other forummers who has to put up with this kind of idiotic infancy "debates".


You certainly cannot read between the line and actually know what human emotions are and what humanity means and how being a family member of those who are ill really means. Cos if you do, I do not doubt that you wouldn't actually even say such idiotic thing online and so publicly. I really do not.


So you are saying that you are a social activist, but you are acting against those who has walked in those shoes of seeing their loved ones hurt, and you are suggesting solutions which they do not want ? I see, that makes sense.


Just because some people love their cats. I love my parents more. There you go. How is that for simple solutions and decided decisions ? Talking about immature emotions and basic relationship skills and understanding and love is like... Get off the thread, seriously. :confused:


Its my thread, i don't have to get off it.

1. Where have i said a represent the whole British public. Direct quote please.

2. Why don't you allow people to have freedom over their own lives.

3. You still haven't directly answered my question on why allowing dignitas to function in the UK would be a bad idea.

4. Your experience of seeing someone you love being very ill turned you against the idea of Euthanasia. However other peoples experiences such as the one offered earlier in the thread have done the opposite. How can you be so arrogant to say that everyone who has seen a sick family member agree with you. The reason many people are so much in favor of euthanasia is because they have first hand experience of seeing a loved one ill.

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But if you had a condition such as locked in syndrome you wouldn't even be allowed to go to dignitas as the person who would go with you would be liable for prosecution.


Very true jmack, that said I couldn't afford it mate, I'll just plod on hoping to wake each morning.



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But if you had a condition such as locked in syndrome you wouldn't even be allowed to go to dignitas as the person who would go with you would be liable for prosecution.[/Quote]


Very true jmack, that said I couldn't afford it mate, I'll just plod on hoping to wake each morning.




:thumbsup: keep hanging in their man.

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That is just how much you assume. I am a WOMAN !


I find this subject pretty upsetting to be honest, and I thought to myself, "should I say this or should I not say this ?" "Cos this guy sounds pretty arrogant in my eyes." I do pity him cos his view is kind of one-sided so far. Maybe you like to "debate" every single darn subject that you like, but until you have walked into someone else's shoes. Don't go there. Subjects like this is not even for public discussion. There are 70 millions of us. 70. How can you even state so arrogantly that you represent all of the British people ? How arrogant are you exactly ?


I pity those other forummers who has to put up with this kind of idiotic infancy "debates".


You certainly cannot read between the line and actually know what human emotions are and what humanity means and how being a family member of those who are ill really means. Cos if you do, I do not doubt that you wouldn't actually even say such idiotic thing online and so publicly. I really do not.


So you are saying that you are a social activist, but you are acting against those who has walked in those shoes of seeing their loved ones hurt, and you are suggesting solutions which they do not want ? I see, that makes sense.


Just because some people love their cats. I love my parents more. There you go. How is that for simple solutions and decided decisions ? Talking about immature emotions and basic relationship skills and understanding and love is like... Get off the thread, seriously. :confused:


There you go again, can't you just accept that other people are entitled to their own opinions, you may think I haven't experienced a very close family member dying, well think again. I lost my lovely dad 21 years ago and my much loved aunty 3 years ago ( She was like a mother to me ) So yes I have walked in those shoes and I will again no doubt but it doesn't alter my opinion.

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There you go again, can't you just accept that other people are entitled to their own opinions, you may think I haven't experienced a very close family member dying, well think again. I lost my lovely dad 21 years ago and my much loved aunty 3 years ago ( She was like a mother to me ) So yes I have walked in those shoes and I will again no doubt but it doesn't alter my opinion.


...... Wheels are coming off salsafan. :hihi:

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I have some misgivings about euthanasia/ assisted suicide. I do worry that it will be used for nefarious reasons, such as persuading great-aunt Maud or granny to "off" themselves either as an inconvenience/ burden to their family, or because greedy relatives want the inheritance ASAP, rather than wait for the relative to pass naturally.


However, having watched my own mother linger, in a locked-in type state for 2 1/2 years after having a brain haemmorhage, I can also see the need for someone to be allowed have some choice about whether they have a horrible, lingering death, if they are faced with that prospect.


My mother had always said, after my uncle was killed in a bike crash, "If I were to be left little better than a cabbage, Please, put me out of my misery, I don't want to be left like that!"


However, because she could do practically nothing for herself, she was forced to linger til pneumonia finally took her, as a result of being paralysed.


If it is brought in, as an option, I think it really must be policed fully, to weed out the "Great aunt Maud" situation. Preferably a sworn statement on file, to declare the patient's intent, and to protect anyone that assists their suicide from being prosecuted needlessly. All the loopholes must be closed, all the t's crossed an the I's dotted.

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I have some misgivings about euthanasia/ assisted suicide. I do worry that it will be used for nefarious reasons, such as persuading great-aunt Maud or granny to "off" themselves either as an inconvenience/ burden to their family, or because greedy relatives want the inheritance ASAP, rather than wait for the relative to pass naturally.


However, having watched my own mother linger, in a locked-in type state for 2 1/2 years after having a brain haemmorhage, I can also see the need for someone to be allowed have some choice about whether they have a horrible, lingering death, if they are faced with that prospect.


My mother had always said, after my uncle was killed in a bike crash, "If I were to be left little better than a cabbage, Please, put me out of my misery, I don't want to be left like that!"


However, because she could do practically nothing for herself, she was forced to linger til pneumonia finally took her, as a result of being paralysed.


If it is brought in, as an option, I think it really must be policed fully, to weed out the "Great aunt Maud" situation. Preferably a sworn statement on file, to declare the patient's intent, and to protect anyone that assists their suicide from being prosecuted needlessly. All the loopholes must be closed, all the t's crossed an the I's dotted.



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Forget it. I am stooping to your level. Really. Minding my own business, and leaving you to your biases !

If I oppose this, then you will challenge me than to accept and acknowledge my points. If I support you or say something along the lines that this is a good idea, then you are happy. Exactly how is this a democratic process?

Why don't you just kill off the rest of the population or other ? Cos it is kind of like an emotional blackmail to be honest. As you have hardly acknowledged, and accepted what others said. Instead, you turned this back onto them. What a stupid argument, and why should it be an argument to begin with?

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