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Time to give people the right to die?

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Forget it. I am stooping to your level. Really. Minding my own business, and leaving you to your biases !

If I oppose this, then you will challenge me than to accept and acknowledge my points. If I support you or say something along the lines that this is a good idea, then you are happy. Exactly how is this a democratic process?

Why don't you just kill off the rest of the population or other ? Cos it is kind of like an emotional blackmail to be honest. As you have hardly acknowledged, and accepted what others said. Instead, you turned this back onto them. What a stupid argument, and why should it be an argument to begin with?


You disagree with me. Fine. But on a public forum expect me to comeback. Their have been threads were I've not commented on them because i know that i'd struggle to keep me cool in an argument. You really should of done the same.


How can you say i have not acknowledged any others opinion? I've gone through posts systematically picking out points and answering them. Plus in terms of not answering point, i've asked you numerous times to explain why dignitas shouldn't be allowed in the Uk. You've never directly answered that. I you totally ignore by reply to you. Number #64 if you please.


I don't really understand your "emotional blackmail" point so i'll leave it for abit.

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Don't expect other people to be like yourself, especially on such sensitive subjects as deaths. Just because you never expected somebody like me to challenge you on your idiotic views, does not mean that other people out there are like yourself !


I am shocked, AND appalled by your discussion thread to be honest, and as if this was a debate to begin with.


Sometimes I read this forum and I absolutely feel truly scared that there are people out there who wears their ego above their own hearts. I try and steer clear of such people.


I do not give a darn who the heck "dignitas" is and don't expect me to know. Cos it is clear that your thread touched on a sensitive subject which is actually quite upsetting to read for most. I cannot even contemplate to see, hear, and read how cheaply you paint life to be. Champion as much as you like, make it your life long goal as much as you like. I truly do not want this in this country. End of.


"Time to give people the right to die?"


Think what it is that you are saying, why are they not being given the right to die ? You are talking about politicising life. You actually have no clue what you are on about. Seriously.

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Don't expect other people to be like yourself, especially on such sensitive subjects as deaths. Just because you never expected somebody like me to challenge you on your idiotic views, does not mean that other people out there are like yourself !


I am shocked, AND appalled by your discussion thread to be honest, and as if this was a debate to begin with.


Sometimes I read this forum and I absolutely feel truly scared that there are people out there who wears their ego above their own hearts. I try and steer clear of such people.


I do not give a darn who the heck "dignitas" is and don't expect me to know. Cos it is clear that your thread touched on a sensitive subject which is actually quite upsetting to read for most. I cannot even contemplate to see, hear, and read how cheaply you paint life to be. Champion as much as you like, make it your life long goal as much as you like. I truly do not want this in this country. End of.


"Time to give people the right to die?"


Think what it is that you are saying, why are they not being given the right to die ? You are talking about politicising life. You actually have no clue what you are on about. Seriously.


Its simple enough,die with dignity,not waste away and put your loved ones through a horrible time.I hope the law is changed before my time comes,but really it is down to personal choice and I know now I would choose to go stress free.

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Don't expect other people to be like yourself, especially on such sensitive subjects as deaths. Just because you never expected somebody like me to challenge you on your idiotic views, does not mean that other people out there are like yourself !


I am shocked, AND appalled by your discussion thread to be honest, and as if this was a debate to begin with.


Sometimes I read this forum and I absolutely feel truly scared that there are people out there who wears their ego above their own hearts. I try and steer clear of such people.


I do not give a darn who the heck "dignitas" is and don't expect me to know. Cos it is clear that your thread touched on a sensitive subject which is actually quite upsetting to read for most. I cannot even contemplate to see, hear, and read how cheaply you paint life to be. Champion as much as you like, make it your life long goal as much as you like. I truly do not want this in this country. End of.


"Time to give people the right to die?"


Think what it is that you are saying, why are they not being given the right to die ? You are talking about politicising life. You actually have no clue what you are on about. Seriously.


"You actually have no clue what you are on about. Seriously." From someone who doesn't know what dignitas is. :hihi::hihi:


In terms of arrogance and ego I'd really look in a mirror you've called me idiotic and told me to grow a brain just because i don't share your opinion. I guessing it's likely you have a religious objection as only someone who had that type of objection would be able to dismiss every other opinion like you have.


I don't get why you believe that no one has a right to discuss this. You may find this an upsetting issue but a lot don't if you thing this thread SO upsetting why don't you stop commenting and unsubscribe from it.

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I'm struggling to work out if salsafan is a) a troll, b) a stroppy 15 year old mad at the world


Nearly everyday I see people in constant pain, fed against their will, with disposable pants holding their own faeces against them causing sores on top of the pressure sores from lack of movement, kept alive beyond their natural span by modern medication.

Is this dignified or natural?

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Salfasan, that's why in an my first post I said that I thought the choice of topic was very emotive. The reason for that is because of the awareness of how divided people are on the subject, especially when they have like you and many others, have had the experience of being bereaved, and seeing their loved ones suffer. And even families who are close can become divided at that difficult time, as I unfortunately discovered on many occasions when caring for patients.


I usually avoid expressing these personal details but I too have lost loved ones who were very dear to me, so I know how painful that can feel, not only at the time but after and that's why emotional responses, depending on peoples own individual experiences are understandably going to be highly sensitive.


My own reservations about euthanasia and assisted suicide have been expressed in those links I posted on a previous post, particularly the "slippery slope" future consequences to the vulnerable, but I can quite understand why people would wish for the option.

And as has been previously mentioned, we don't really know until we are faced with the situation of dying, how we ourselves are going to react. We would all like to have control of the end, yet when it comes to that stage, many people unexpectedly cling to life, even when there is no sign of pain or discomfort.

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Salfasan, that's why in an my first post I said that I thought the choice of topic was very emotive. The reason for that is because of the awareness of how divided people are on the subject, especially when they have like you and many others, have had the experience of being bereaved, and seeing their loved ones suffer. And even families who are close can become divided at that difficult time, as I unfortunately discovered on many occasions when caring for patients.


I usually avoid expressing these personal details but I too have lost loved ones who were very dear to me, so I know how painful that can feel, not only at the time but after and that's why emotional responses, depending on peoples own individual experiences are understandably going to be highly sensitive.


My own reservations about euthanasia and assisted suicide have been expressed in those links I posted on a previous post, particularly the "slippery slope" future consequences to the vulnerable, but I can quite understand why people would wish for the option.

And as has been previously mentioned, we don't really know until we are faced with the situation of dying, how we ourselves are going to react. We would all like to have control of the end, yet when it comes to that stage, many people unexpectedly cling to life, even when there is no sign of pain or discomfort.


Have you watched the Terry Pratchett on assisted suicide. Really is hard hitting stuff.


warning if you find the whole subject too upsetting such as salsafan don't watch this.
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Nearly everyday I see people in constant pain, fed against their will, with disposable pants holding their own faeces against them causing sores on top of the pressure sores from lack of movement, kept alive beyond their natural span by modern medication.

Is this dignified or natural?

Why are those people you see every day in that appalling state of neglect. Why are they not being cared for properly? Why have they developed those pressure sores, and why are they not getting treated for pain, can you explain?
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Why are those people you see every day in that appalling state of neglect. Why are they not being cared for properly? Why have they developed those pressure sores, and why are they not getting treated for pain, can you explain?


If your suffering fro Locked in syndrome or in the final stages of Aids there is very little that can be done to ease your suffering.

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I have this much to say, and sorry, it is clear that you think and lead a different type of life as I do. Although I would have also said that I see you as humanly equal, but judging your behaviours, it seems that you guys seem humanity as less than nothing.


As I said before, you can want to die, and not do as best as you could in this lifetime, and life a sadder life, or you can live a more fulfilled life for those who yo love, and spend more time with them, and be there for them and make them laugh so that when it comes to their elderly age, that they do not feel alone, and want to actually go cos you never bothered not visit them or to love them and make them share you life journey too.


You may want to drum up the numbers, and overwork yourself to death and spend more time listening to politics and listen to more opinions on what people say, but have you ever thought as to why people want to go and never be a burden ? It is cos they have isolated themselves and focused on themselves their entire life and has not made that many deep emotional connections, and hence they want to die a dignified way to preserve their reputation.


To me, living a fulfilled life is dignified. Living for others is dignified. Not whether others could and not. It is surprising to me to also read some of your comments here from I presume healthcare individuals that you too have as little care for those who you actually look after. Maybe you cannot white lie publically or that you do not realise the importance of respect or filtering. but should you say these things out loud publically and should you really enforce this kind of issues as a political one, and therefore force citizens to CHOOSE and make this law happen ?


At the end of the day, if you cannot do the job then I am sure you know what you should do. Just resign. Cos you do not have to give such little dignity to those who you serve.



It is indeed odd. In one single generation, we have become so selfish and left the next generation with such little dignity. Really.


Terry Prachett may have found love and written his work with love, but his sprouting rubbish is absolutely ridiculous and has no place publically to be honest! He is almost as bad as those ridiculous celebrity who peddle on about perfume.

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