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Serviettes in cafes. Pointless.

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The proper way surely should be the dolly on the plate and then the serviette separately ? To be honest, sometimes I don't trust the people who wash the plates. Maybe they know this and put it on a serviette instead ? I know that in Starbucks sometimes their plates are a bit icky. Eek.


Sometimes it is best to pretend I did not see it. Ick.



I wouldn't want a dolly on my plate, not much room left for the cake !!!!

Prefer a doily. :hihi:

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It seems to be getting more common. This morning I called in a cafe for a coffee and chocolate cake.

The waitress brought the cake over to the table with the serviette underneath.

What is the point of this? To get to the serviette I had to move the cake which meant creamy chocolate all over my hands and a serviette that was as much use as a £5 watch. Also bits of damp serviette were stuck to my cake meaning 20% of it going to waste.

Why do cafes do this. What is wrong with serving food on the plate and putting the serviette alongside. Is this some new fangled nonsense from the continent?


You'll never get into that size 18 dress if you keep scoffing cake.

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You should have been in the library, studying for your finals. Or shivering in your student hovel. Or maybe not.


Or you might have been living in Staveley, or the Peak District as you like to call it.


Any of those things would have saved you from paper related cake horror.

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