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Giving up drink for no reason

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So after having plenty of booze throughout December (nights out, 2 weeks of work, Christmas, New Year) I thought I'd give up booze for January at least.

Halfway through and its got me thinking - is it worth giving up for good?


There's no pressing medical reason to do it - I'm not overweight, don't drink that much regularly (apart from last month), and am generally healthy.

The last two weeks have been easy enough - rather than have a beer on Friday night I've just had a coffee or fruit juice - so I've started to think 'why not just stop drinking'.


I've suggested it to people at work and most of them just think its mad and would never do it - it seems that for a lot of people the only reason to give up is if forced or threatened by a doctor. Quite a few couldn't remember going more than a week without a drink in their adult lives.


So had anyone here done it?

How do you get on at nights out?

Do mates think you are strange?

How long have you done it for?


OR - have you tried it and ended up caving in after a while? Is it more trouble than its worth ( I can imagine the mickey taking and mocking might just make you say 'ah go on then' after a while! )

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its your body / health, so why let others influence you ... if you want to give up, give up ... if your mates need an excuse for you giving up, make something up :)


My OH doesn't drink alcohol at all (or hot drinks) .. after the initial surprise, people just buy him an orange squash .. cheap date :hihi:

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I gave up drinking over 12 years ago for no reason other than to do it, my thinking now is that it's a waste of money and turns people into morons.

I don't really tell people I don't drink because the reaction I get from most people is like I just slapped them across the face, good on you fella.

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I haven't had a drink for years, stopped immediately the moment I found out I was pregnant and after the pregnancy when I had my first opportunity to have a drink I didn't enjoy it and have rarely bothered since, just the odd one once in a blue moon and then it was quite literally just the one, would rather stay clear headed and get myself home safely, get up next day without suffering all day etc and I can honestly say iv never missed it........yet I still get a collection of bottles as Christmas and birthday presents even though people know I rarely drink a drop!

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So had anyone here done it?

How do you get on at nights out?

Do mates think you are strange?

How long have you done it for?


OR - have you tried it and ended up caving in after a while? Is it more trouble than its worth ( I can imagine the mickey taking and mocking might just make you say 'ah go on then' after a while! )

-Yes, I have. I was never a heavy drinker any way. I was one of these social drinkers if you want a label for this.

-I get on fine with the people who drink. In fact, they have come to accept it too ! They are my true friends cos they respect me. :) I still go out with them though, and I have bought them rounds too. I don't mind. It evens out over time.

-At first, yes, but then this is what I wanted. Do I want to be me, or do I want to be them ? Plus, I wanted to get ready in case I will have a baby in the future. So I need to be in shape. I also dislike my behaviour when I drink. I was losing myself for what? For others? I did lose some friends. They were really the hysterical ones.

-It has been almost a good 5 or so years? I still drink occasionally, but now I realised it is never because of escapism. i.e. something happened at work, I need something, I go to the pub, rant rant rant. Why don't I do something constructive to begin with ? I quit the drinking, the friends, and moved jobs, and gained my sense of self back. Plus my family too. This is important to me.



Well then it depends on your will power, and how good you are at managing your own friends, and if they respect you. For me, it was like, suddenly, everyone just grew up, sobered up, and is less angry, and truly chatted more. It was just amazing to see. They found their brain suddenly.


A uni friend was a heavy drinker. I am not sure if she had something to prove, or maybe she thought that was the way the world was. She did push herself an awful lot though. In the end, I think she did have cirrhosis of the liver. That was when we were still in our 20s. To be honest with you, thinking back now, it was definitely those cheap heavy spirits and shots which we got easily at university which made us feel like we were invincible, and jeopodised our health.


Good luck to you whatever you decide. Friends or no friends, that is the question. Hm.

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I haven't had a drink for years, stopped immediately the moment I found out I was pregnant and after the pregnancy when I had my first opportunity to have a drink I didn't enjoy it and have rarely bothered since, just the odd one once in a blue moon and then it was quite literally just the one, would rather stay clear headed and get myself home safely, get up next day without suffering all day etc and I can honestly say iv never missed it........yet I still get a collection of bottles as Christmas and birthday presents even though people know I rarely drink a drop!




Just look at it as someone doing your present shopping for you, re-gift.

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Oh I do do this lol and I donate them for raffle prizes etc and keep a couple in the cupboard for guests, if I ever do have a drink it's always in a social situation, could never get my head round people sitting at home alone drinking themselves into a stupor, just seems so pointless

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Just look at it as someone doing your present shopping for you, re-gift.


Or cook with it ! :)

My brother had a bottle of St Emilion in his kitchen and I thought it was such a waste, but hey, they too stopped as well. Cos you cannot fight time. You cannot fight health. Most people stop when they have kids anyway. Cos you still got to stay alive for them.


I do not even know if I can have kids now as I am still overweight, but I am trying to reverse my own stupidities. Drinking does pile on the pounds too. It can be the calories. It does affect and fluctuate your sugar level as well. Especially beer.

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