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Giving up drink for no reason

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if you want to then go on, better than having to stop for a reason, personally i dont want to and cant


---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 22:33 ----------


Oh I do do this lol and I donate them for raffle prizes etc and keep a couple in the cupboard for guests, if I ever do have a drink it's always in a social situation, could never get my head round people sitting at home alone drinking themselves into a stupor, just seems so pointless

im pointless :hihi:

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Mel if someone has a genuine drink problem then they are going to drink no matter what, my comment was more aimed at people ( a lot of my friends do this) who buy wine or beer on way home after another 'bad day' and say they can't wait to get in and unwind with a drink! To me it's a social pastime when I have a drink but I realise to some others it's not

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Even heavy drinking in moderation is good for you.


Benefits >


You sleep like a log


You don't care about anything (including the TV license peeps at the door)Stres reducing > way better than a cat on yer lap.


You wake up drunk which kills any painful body bits.


I'd rather drink than take pills and wreck yer liver and stomach.


Drink allows freedom of thought on internet forums.

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Even heavy drinking in moderation is good for you.


Benefits >


You sleep like a log


You don't care about anything (including the TV license peeps at the door)Stres reducing > way better than a cat on yer lap.


You wake up drunk which kills any painful body bits.


I'd rather drink than take pills and wreck yer liver and stomach.


Drink allows freedom of thought on internet forums.

drinking wrecks yer liver and stomach :hihi:

i know, my stomachs fubarred from the late 80s

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Aye, must have 20 bottles of Malt in the house, all unopened. As I'm now almost teetotal it seems money was spent badly.:loopy: You aren't even allowed to sell them on Flee Bay I believe. :huh:




I'll take them off your hands for a small fee!

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So had anyone here done it?

How do you get on at nights out?

Do mates think you are strange?

How long have you done it for?


I didn't really start drinking at all until I was about 30. Being the only sober person at the table is a (pun intended) sobering experience.


What seems incredibly funny to everyone else..... ain't.


These days I only drink intermittently. I can go for months without a drink. Personally I can take it or leave it, so it's not a big deal for me.


Going without coffee for more than 24 hours, now that's serious!


I seem to remember stories suggesting that a mild alcohol intake is actually better for you than none at all, so I'd suggest sticking to your existing routine.

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I gave up drinking over 12 years ago for no reason other than to do it, my thinking now is that it's a waste of money and turns people into morons.

I don't really tell people I don't drink because the reaction I get from most people is like I just slapped them across the face, good on you fella.


That's exactly it! Haha!


I remember winding someone up about it work, basically challenging him to give up beer for a month - it was like Id threatened to kill his kids! He just couldn't even consider it! Haha!


---------- Post added 17-01-2014 at 05:30 ----------


-Yes, I have. I was never a heavy drinker any way. I was one of these social drinkers if you want a label for this.



Good luck to you whatever you decide. Friends or no friends, that is the question. Hm.


Nice post - I just chopped it down rather than quote the whole thing.


I reckon this is kind of what I would aim for - so that it just becomes something that you don't do rather than saying never again.



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