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Giving up drink for no reason

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I like this post :)


Bumping into the ex-wives are enough to drive any man to drink, so on medical advice I'm avoiding both (drink and the ex-wives).


Unfortunately, I'm now a tea & chocolate addict :help:

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its your body / health, so why let others influence you ... if you want to give up, give up ... if your mates need an excuse for you giving up, make something up :)


My OH doesn't drink alcohol at all (or hot drinks) .. after the initial surprise, people just buy him an orange squash .. cheap date :hihi:


More shocked at someone not drinking hot drinks! I don't think I could ever give up tea..... I rarely drink a cold drink to be honest.

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Each unto their own as far as I'm concerned.


The article in The Star the other day regarding the terminally ill alcoholic got me thinking. I reckon I've probably not gone a period of more than 7 days without alcohol for over 20 years.


I enjoy the taste of real ale and wouldn't want to give up drinking it. I tend to like the stronger stuff (5% or more) because I think it has more depth of flavour and also find alcohol helps me to relax at the end of the week....If I enjoy it, why stop drinking it?


I do control my drinking though, limiting myself to a couple of decent sessions at the end of the week and also when I'm off work.


To balance out the weekend beer, I try to keep fit during the week by going for shortish runs most nights....I feel like I've earned the right to my beer by doing that.


I suspect if I did go to the pub and order a non alcoholic drink I would get some stick from my mates....peer pressure I guess......but I'm the sort of person who would tell them where to get off if they did. :hihi:


If people drink alcohol just because it's the done thing then I think that's stupid, but if they genuinely enjoy a beer (like me) then I don't see why you should deprive yourself of it unless it's for health issues.





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So after having plenty of booze throughout December (nights out, 2 weeks of work, Christmas, New Year) I thought I'd give up booze for January at least.

Halfway through and its got me thinking - is it worth giving up for good?


There's no pressing medical reason to do it - I'm not overweight, don't drink that much regularly (apart from last month), and am generally healthy.

The last two weeks have been easy enough - rather than have a beer on Friday night I've just had a coffee or fruit juice - so I've started to think 'why not just stop drinking'.


I've suggested it to people at work and most of them just think its mad and would never do it - it seems that for a lot of people the only reason to give up is if forced or threatened by a doctor. Quite a few couldn't remember going more than a week without a drink in their adult lives.


So had anyone here done it?

How do you get on at nights out?

Do mates think you are strange?

How long have you done it for?


OR - have you tried it and ended up caving in after a while? Is it more trouble than its worth ( I can imagine the mickey taking and mocking might just make you say 'ah go on then' after a while! )


I have managed to stop drinking and I found I was only drinking because others were.


I am not that bothered about it anymore and would just drink coffee or tea.


If I drink Id rather it be for a birthday or special occasion.


Also a good night out drinking something half decent is expensive these days.

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