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Why do men go shopping with women?

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Apart from being there to drive the car and carry the shopping, supermarket shopping on a Friday night or Saturday, would be so much easier if men just weren't there.


Last week I noticed loads of gormless looking men with a hypnotised expression on their faces, like automatons, with a look that said, 'I really don't want to be here, but I've been forced to come'. In addition to that, for some reason they also tend to lose all sense of steering when it comes to the trolley!


So why go?


The Supermarket is a woman's domain and Supermarket shopping would be more pleasant if men just weren't there, also the place would be less crowded.

Maybe there should be a special waiting room for men, or they could just sit outside in the car or spend an hour in the auto, DIY or electronics aisle. Or better still, stay home with the children, then that would relieve us of children running all over the place and the weekly torment of kids throwing tantrums!


I mean you hardly see women in Halfords or the bookies do you?

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The Supermarket is a woman's domain and Supermarket shopping would be more pleasant if men just weren't there, also the place would be less crowded.


If men didn't go, then (a) you'd buy nothing but shoes and (b) you'd spend all day blocking the shop doorway gossiping to your friends and © you'd buy clothes two sizes too small because (d) you secretly value our opinion


And Yes, your bum does look big in that

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Believe me, as a single bloke I get annoyed with the blokes (and kids) that seem to get dragged along with wives/partners/mothers and evidently don't want to be there.


I'm pretty sure given a choice the men wouldn't be there ;)


There should be certain times when people can bring partners and kids and they're not allowed at any other time.

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I don't enjoy shopping personally and I think i know why: in the majority, shops and products in them are not designed for me, particularly in supermarkets.


As a man I just want a pragmatic approach. I don't need ten different types of tomato, i just want a cheap option and a nice option. I also want space, supermarkets are claustrophobic and full of people that get in the way a lot. Finally, I want to not feel I am being conned, each time I go, I feel conned though, the bill is always higher than what I anticipated, it makes me angry and I don't forgive easily, so having to go again a week later frustrates me.

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We're the other way round! I spend aaaages browsing in the supermarket and then end up forgetting half the stuff I went in for, but my Hubby has a get-in-get-out approach so he keeps me on track!


If the shopping was my job though I wouldn't expect him to come with me, same as I wouldn't expect him to come shoe shopping in Meadowhall....that place is divorce city!

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I used to think I should date a guy or give in to a guy who doesn't like shopping, but in actual fact, I prefer if my BF comes with me and at least have SOME understanding. I too don't like to be conned, but I have gotten over that, and to the point whereby I know the average price of an item, and I would not buy it if it was too expensive. I got this checklist done and dusted over a number of years. So if my bf goes, he probably would choose the same items that I do, and we stick with it. It is less of a hassle. Maybe because he also was a bit of a shopaholic too when he lived on his own, and now he too doesn't buy as many items. He has detoxed a few times, and I am in the middle of my detoxing too. We rather now buy "needed" item rather than "wanted". Or that it was cheap. It reduces our level of stress. Nobody teaches you this kind of thing unless you teach yourself.


He lives a very simple life. I am all over the place, and together we have harmony. :hihi:


I dragged him baby clothes shopping before, and he did well ! Hehe. At least he is learning, and if and when we have a baby, I know I can trust him to get that particular item and that it will work well. How else can you trust one another any way ?


You play together, you stay together.

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