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How technology affects the world's labour

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Or maybe they can, but they cannot know how to make it work. Cos now it is not about one government, but to think a chain of governments, and the others have to work with you. What if they say "no" ?


They can indeed put out policies and control these MNC from booming so much. When the anti-trust case happened, and one big tech was fighting another one, they knew what was to come.



Now that Oracle managed it. What nobody predicted was that sneaky Google, which is a different kettle of fish, also slowly won that domestic market angle. Diversified, and sneakily managed to get into every single country and has a hub everywhere, and now they are mega global. Now, they bring themselves back to the tech business, and bypassed these laws.


Sometimes, I am glad that we have Tesco as a MNC.


Who in the government was monitoring this? We were just bickering amongst ourselves while the rest of the world quickly and continued to fight. In this austerity times, I would definitely chase after those sneaky tech MNCs, and support some of our own tech companies and so forth.

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I quite like the idea of universal benefits. Everyone gets enough to live on then if you want more you earn it. Switzerland is going to have a referendum on whether to try it out.




With new technology there's not enough work for everyone. This was predicted ages ago and we were promised a life of leisure in the future. Instead what happened was a few people skimmed off the extra wealth and a lot of people ended up with no work and in poverty conditions.

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I gave a few lectures on change management last semester, it is astonishing how people have thought technology would take their jobs for centuries, progress = stress it seems.


An excerpt from my PhD conclusion:


What is so interesting about the current timeframe though is the internet. With the rate of development increasing to the point where place is no longer a constant in our work circumstances, we will see great sociological changes that have only been emulated to a certain extend with the advent of telegraphs and trains.


It is increasingly important to adapt to the environment and self-training is set to become the norm.

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