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The condition of Sheffield's clubbing scene

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Hi all!


I'm just about to finish my baccalaureate and one of my further options is Sheffield Univ. I was wondering what does the clubbing scene look like in sheffield? I'm kinda into funky, vocal, deep, latin house but I also like to dance my ass off to drum'n'bass and things like that. I've got a CD from Knowledgemag with 1Xtra, starring jungle drummer, l double and so from Tuesday Club. Are there any really neat clubs? what music do you get? what are the prices? I would be extremely grateful for your help...cheers!




my other option are manchester and essex (in colchester) any ideas how does the clubbing scene look like there?



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hey up - sheffield is one of the best locations in the country for night life. there's something to suit everyone's taste.


There's a new night started at sutra nightclub (charter square) every friday. It is fantastic. They play all types of house from vocal uplifting to dirty underground!


You should come up and see what its like - you'll not want to leave! x x x:thumbsup:

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Welcome to the forum tony!

I can definitely recommend Sheffield....i think jen13kd is being a bit over enthusiastic in his evaluation of the night life round here. There is a decent variety of nights to choose from....Tuesday Club is a must...they always put on a good show. Also check out Urban Gorilla if you're into your breaks. As far as the D&B scene goes things have been a bit flat as of late...A few years ago you literally had a D&B nite 5 or 6 nights a week. Nowadays you're lucky if theres 2! I cant comment on the "funky, vocal, deep, latin house" scene...really NOT my bag.

If you went to Manchester you would definitely have a better selection of nights to choose from but the downside is that its not half as chilled out or friendly as Sheffield. I would say Sheffield should be your first choice but then i would, Im biased.

If you do make it to Sheff give me a shout...ive got a few years worth of Knowledge & ATM cover cd's you're more than welcome to have copies of.

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The best nights in Sheffield aren't really on that often, which is partyl what makes them so special in the first place.


Sheffield has far too many generic nights though, but again, I guess that just helps emphasise how great the great nights are....

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Thanks for all the replies, you've been very helpful.


I've still got some questions - do the clubs you mentioned play 'strictly' electronic music? Or are they some commercial crap which is meant to attract the biggest possible number of people?


johnbradley - you said that manchester's clubbing scene is better - why? Manchester is also one of my options for further education so if you manage to convince me that it really is better then maybe i'll choose it.


agent **** - what does it mean that sheffield has too many generic nights? Sorry, I'm still trying to improve my english but as you can see it's not so good :D.



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agent **** - what does it mean that sheffield has too many generic nights?


I don't want to incur the wrath of any promoters, but I think most people will agree there are far too many 'chart classics', student cheese and rn'b nights.

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Manchester has a very stagnated club scene - the same nights at the same places long past their sell by dates. I enjoyed ruffling some feathers there last year with "Outta Sight", and our braveness with the night (eg putting on the likes of Dave Haslam as a DJ at a 'mod' night) had the local paper describing us as a "breath of fresh air" to the local club scene.


But we were in a minority and the bars have more life than the bigger clubs in Manchester. Sheffield has a better atmosphere out and about and more interesting nights - and it's a much cheaper night out. As someone who has lived and promoted in both cities, I'd say Sheffield is far more progressive.


Dave Walker

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exactly, sheffield is the place to be - love dust at sutra is very different to other clubs, it's all about fun - not about pulling crowds in. No commercial music played here, just fantastic funky loved up house!

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