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More UKIP idiocy..

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so youll swallow any old muck as long as they say what you want to hear :roll:


Haven't we swallowed enough muck from all of them? How can we trust any of them. How many times have you heard the expression 'they're all the same', if you vote for what you've always had, you'll get what you've always got. .......No change.

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All I know is I've been waiting months (in constant pain) for an op. Our public services are under immense pressure, is it going to get any better.... I don't know. Labour messed up big style & the tories aren't doing any better. I've just checked UKIPs website according to them, they stand for:


Bringing power back to the UK

Protect our borders

Rebuild prosperity & keeping the lights on

Safeguards against crime

Care & support for all

Free speech & democracy


If any of that can help me get my op quicker then I'm buying it


You do know that you'll probably have to wait longer for your operation under UKIP, as they plan to cut NHS spending.

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All you have to do is look at all the posts from members who claim that there isnt a smear campaign against UKIP.

Well, you could have fooled me.

Certain posters have used this thread to elaborate everything that is rotten in UKIP, and have droned on about it, on and on and on........but its not a smear campaign.

Even when Tory/Labour/LibDem crooks are mentioned, its quickly brushed under the carpet by the smear mob, and instantly turned back on UKIP.


From what ive read, its clear that some of the staunch Tories are really starting to see that UKIP really have got a lot of backing, and its not welcome in the ideological world of the "Three Party Syndrome" and it has changed direction and has been shaken, and for the first time in years, another party is proving to be popular.


Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, without having mud slung from every direction, and its time that anti-UKIPers grew up, and allowed people to make their own choices.

For the record, in my eyes Milliband is a joke, Clegg is spineless and Cameron is a product of breeding.

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All you have to do is look at all the posts from members who claim that there isnt a smear campaign against UKIP.

Well, you could have fooled me.


I don't imagine that's particularly challenging.


But anyway,


Certain posters have used this thread to elaborate everything that is rotten in UKIP, and have droned on about it, on and on and on........but its not a smear campaign.


Well, the thread is titled "More UKIP idiocy" - what do you expect to find in here?


Even when Tory/Labour/LibDem crooks are mentioned, its quickly brushed under the carpet by the smear mob, and instantly turned back on UKIP.


Well, for one, that would be off topic, and you've all been invited more than once to create your own "More <insert political party of choice> idiocy" threads.


Secondly, according to you and the UKIP leadership, they are unlike other parties, they hold themselves to higher standards, they're supposed to be different to the other parties, and they're working for us rather than themselves - and yet all these things keep coming out which, as you say, all the other parties are doing - doesn't that sound a tad hypocritical?


From what ive read, its clear that some of the staunch Tories are really starting to see that UKIP really have got a lot of backing, and its not welcome in the ideological world of the "Three Party Syndrome" and it has changed direction and has been shaken, and for the first time in years, another party is proving to be popular.


Not being a tory supporter, I wouldn't know for sure, but as until the last general election we had a two party system, I doubt there's too many of them being shaken by the idea of another party coming to the fore.


Not that being on track to getting as many MPs as the Green party is coming to the fore, but you get my drift.


Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, without having mud slung from every direction, and its time that anti-UKIPers grew up, and allowed people to make their own choices.


Oh, you're all welcome to vote for whoever you like - just expect to be laughed at for voting for a joke of a party. After all, you lot are trying to sling as much mud back as possible in the hope it'll stick.


If this thread makes just one person who is currently thinking of voting UKIP actually sit back and think for more than ten seconds about whether they want these people to represent them in Europe, then as far as I'm concerned, it's been a success. Note - I'm not trying to make people change their votes, just actually consider whether a party which is actively hostile to the EU, doesn't bother turning up to sessions, but still claims our taxes back as expenses is the best group of people to get the best deal out of Europe for me / you and the UK. Some people will agree, others won't - as long as it's a concious decision I don't mind. And as it seems that as soon as anything negative is said about the party on here, you all immediately go on the offensive rather than trying to justify or defend the party, I'm pretty confident none of you have made such a concious decision yet and are just voting based on xenophobia.


For the record, in my eyes Milliband is a joke, Clegg is spineless and Cameron is a product of breeding.


And what does that make Farage?

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Wouldn't lunacy be the leader of a party lying to parliament to lead us into an illegal war that cost billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of lives.....Now who would that be and which party did he represent? :loopy:


The two desperados LeMaquis and dosxuk keep trying, but keep failing to convince. :hihi:





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The two desperados LeMaquis and dosxuk keep trying, but keep failing to convince.


As I said above, I'm not trying to convince anyone :roll:


I don't believe I have ever said that people should vote for a particular party and I don't intend to start now.

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Certain posters have used this thread to elaborate everything that is rotten in UKIP, and have droned on about it, on and on and on........but its not a smear campaign.



You'd best report us all for posting on-topic then:rolleyes:


You did see the thread title, didn't you?

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Haven't we swallowed enough muck from all of them? How can we trust any of them. How many times have you heard the expression 'they're all the same', if you vote for what you've always had, you'll get what you've always got. .......No change.


you can't, thats why I don't vote for or support any of the bunches of self serving parasites

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I don't imagine that's particularly challenging.


But anyway,




Well, the thread is titled "More UKIP idiocy" - what do you expect to find in here?




Well, for one, that would be off topic, and you've all been invited more than once to create your own "More <insert political party of choice> idiocy" threads.


Secondly, according to you and the UKIP leadership, they are unlike other parties, they hold themselves to higher standards, they're supposed to be different to the other parties, and they're working for us rather than themselves - and yet all these things keep coming out which, as you say, all the other parties are doing - doesn't that sound a tad hypocritical?




Not being a tory supporter, I wouldn't know for sure, but as until the last general election we had a two party system, I doubt there's too many of them being shaken by the idea of another party coming to the fore.


Not that being on track to getting as many MPs as the Green party is coming to the fore, but you get my drift.




Oh, you're all welcome to vote for whoever you like - just expect to be laughed at for voting for a joke of a party. After all, you lot are trying to sling as much mud back as possible in the hope it'll stick.


If this thread makes just one person who is currently thinking of voting UKIP actually sit back and think for more than ten seconds about whether they want these people to represent them in Europe, then as far as I'm concerned, it's been a success. Note - I'm not trying to make people change their votes, just actually consider whether a party which is actively hostile to the EU, doesn't bother turning up to sessions, but still claims our taxes back as expenses is the best group of people to get the best deal out of Europe for me / you and the UK. Some people will agree, others won't - as long as it's a concious decision I don't mind. And as it seems that as soon as anything negative is said about the party on here, you all immediately go on the offensive rather than trying to justify or defend the party, I'm pretty confident none of you have made such a concious decision yet and are just voting based on xenophobia.




And what does that make Farage?


The people who will vote UKIP want out of the EU, perhaps you may need to read up on the subject.

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