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More UKIP idiocy..

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Wouldn't lunacy be the leader of a party lying to parliament to lead us into an illegal war that cost billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of lives.....Now who would that be and which party did he represent? :loopy:


The two desperados LeMaquis and dosxuk keep trying, but keep failing to convince. :hihi:


The Tories and Labour both supported the invasion. I don't vote for either of them. I marched against the proposed invasion. There are parties other than them to vote for. I exclude UKIP from that list.

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All I know is I've been waiting months (in constant pain) for an op. Our public services are under immense pressure, is it going to get any better.... I don't know. Labour messed up big style & the tories aren't doing any better. I've just checked UKIPs website according to them, they stand for:


Bringing power back to the UK

Protect our borders

Rebuild prosperity & keeping the lights on

Safeguards against crime

Care & support for all

Free speech & democracy


If any of that can help me get my op quicker then I'm buying it


It's the easiest thing in the world to promise the Moon when a party is in opposition and doesn't actually have to deliver.


And UKIP aren't even in opposition...


Vote for me and I'll give you all the above when I'm Prime Minister, and I'll even give you a free £100 a week... That's the kind of thing I mean.

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The Tories and Labour both supported the invasion. I don't vote for either of them. I marched against the proposed invasion. There are parties other than them to vote for. I exclude UKIP from that list.


So you obviously agree the lunacy/idiocy extends beyond UKIP to the other main parties.





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Hopefully UKIP supporters will come to realise this and vote Conservative. :)


I'm actually looking at this from another point of view.


Hopefully at least one of the other main parties will realise there's growing support for UKIP's two major policies and will adapt to suit.


The more people who vote for UKIP, the harder it will be for the other parties to ignore the strength of feeling towards immigration/Europe.





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Hopefully UKIP supporters will come to realise this and vote Conservative. :)


Tories already have a record of not delivering a referendum when one was promised. They have no intention of taking us out of the EU, getting a "better deal" or giving us a referendum. Only a fool would believe them, otherwise why have they not promised a referendum before the General Election.

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I'm afraid you continue to believe this is some sort of smear campaign. It's not, it's simply pointing out the mistakes and idiocy of a bunch of people who some people think should be left alone to run the country. As has been said earlier, you're more than welcome to create a "Tory / Lib Dem / Labour idiocy" thread if you think those parties are currently making the same levels of stupid decisions and statements.


You still miss the point. Even if members of UKIP were found to have received cash for influence (Labour), or paid rent boys for sex (Lib Dem), or even to have killed themself during a sex game involving an orange and self-strangulation with an electrical cable (Tory), it wouldn't change peoples concerns or prevent them voting UKIP to register those concerns.


The fact is that UKIP is a means to an end and people don't care if it's ugly. If you really want to stop people voting UKIP then you (and the main parties) need to abandon the purile smearing campaign and instead seek to address the issues that are winning UKIP support.


If you believe that voting UKIP in the forthcoming elections will make the slightest difference to Westminster politics then I'm afraid I will be classing you as a "loony".


Well let's revisit that after the elections in May when we can see how the debate leading up to the election, and the subsequent vote for UKIP, influences Westminster politics. I'll look forward to starting a thread and quoting you. :D


And voting UKIP to represent us in Europe will not make Europe see us in a more positive light or be more inclined to take us seriously. The current UKIP MEPs have some of the worst attendance and voting figures of the entire European parliament, yet this hasn't stopped them from claiming millions in expenses.


There are many countries that have political parties with significant support that are far more right-winged in their policies than UKIP. Are you saying that as a result Europe doesn't take countries like France, Sweden or the Netherlands seriously?


Besides, concerns about immigration and EU membership are not 'extreme' and are shared by people across Europe.


Likewise, unless UKIP get a serious amount of Commons representation (which at the moment, they're almost certainly not going to), then they're not going to be in any position to make demands of the Government, regardless of how much you or they whine about it.


You are both right and wrong. Yes, UKIP need to do better to really influence government policy (whoever is running the government) but actual bums on seats in Westminster isn't required to exert that influence. They just need a good enough showing at the local/european election in May to worry the main parties i.e. posing a threat to their party holding power.


Considering a good proportion of the UKIP support base has come from further right (BNP / EDL), I don't think we need to worry about them shifting back. They'll simply go where they think their best chance of making a fuss lays.


UKIP support doesn't come from any political party or protest group. It support comes from across the political spectrum and is based (almost entirely) on shared concern about immigration and aspects of EU membership.


The idea of voting for your best representative (i.e. the person that is going to represent you the best) appears to be foreign to many UKIP supporters. Maybe that's why they don't like the idea...


Tactical voting is a reality and far from unique to UKIP. Let's assume you are a Labour supporter - are you saying that if you lived somewhere where polls suggested the race was between a BNP candidate and the Tories that you wouldn't consider switching your vote to the Tories? I think you best climb down off that high horse of yours.

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