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More UKIP idiocy..

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So you obviously agree the lunacy/idiocy extends beyond UKIP to the other main parties.


Yes I do. As long as there are MPs like Blunkett I doubt I'll vote Labour. Multiply that several fold for the Tories and as for the Lib-Dems I have never understood what they stand for.


UKIP though are worse than them all. Pulling out of the EU would be an economic disaster and that is their main policy other than whinge about immigration, something UKIP accepts to an extent (Farage employs a German) but pretend not to.


And that's just their policies. Individual members like the one this one is about and the others I've posted about are just too right-wing and too bonkers even for the Tories and just show how desperate UKIP is for taking them on board.


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 11:52 ----------


....polls suggested the race was between a BNP candidate and the Tories.....


And just how likely is that?


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 11:54 ----------


....otherwise why have they not promised a referendum before the General Election.


Because they don't have a majority and couldn't get it through the Commons?

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And just how likely is that?


Not very likely but how about answering the question? Would you vote tactically if it suited your politics? Don't bother, I'll answer for you. Yes you would... therefore it is a bit rich to complain about others who who vote for UKIP for tactical reasons.

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UKIP doing well in Arbourthorne





Friday, 7 February 2014

Sheffield, Arbourthorne - (LAB HOLD)

Jennyfer BARNARD – [Green]

Mike DRABBLE – [Labour]

Alan MUNRO – [Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts]

Susan ROSS – [Liberal Democrat]


Peter SMITH – [Conservative]

David WILDGOOSE – [English Democrats]


Sheffield, Arbourthorne - Labour hold


Party 2014 votes 2014 share since 2012 since 2011 since 2010 since 2008

Labour 1,398 52.2% -10.1% -6.7% +5.0% +10.8%

UKIP 482 18.0% +3.3% from nowhere from nowhere from nowhere

Conservative 213 8.0% -0.1% -2.4% -4.0% -10.8%

TUSAC 204 7.6% from nowhere from nowhere from nowhere from nowhere

Lib Dem 161 6.0% -1.4% -5.3% -21.4% -22.2%

Green 143 5.3% -2.1% -14.0% +1.8% -6.1%

English Democ 75 2.8% from nowhere from nowhere from nowhere from nowhere

BNP -9.9%


Total votes 2,676 -1,021 -2,310 -4,209 -1,196


Swing Labour to UKIP 6.7% since 2012


at 06:33

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It's amazing you have to point these things out to them. The fact that the Lib-Dems don't want a referendum and neither do a lot of Tory MPs just isn't obvious enough to some.


Just shows how frightened they are to give the people a say, they know they won't get the result they want.


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 15:38 ----------


They are not the government - only part of it.


The majority part of it.


There will be no referendum before the general election not because they can't but because they don't want it to happen. And that is government, not just Tories but LibDems too.

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The majority part of it.


There will be no referendum before the general election not because they can't but because they don't want it to happen. And that is government, not just Tories but LibDems too.


You were originally only talking about the Tories here:

Tories already have a record of not delivering a referendum when one was promised. They have no intention of taking us out of the EU, getting a "better deal" or giving us a referendum. Only a fool would believe them, otherwise why have they not promised a referendum before the General Election.


And had made no mention of the LibDems until you said "They're the Government. They could do it if they wanted to.".


But that's by the by. Enough of the government don't want a referendum before the next election and you're going to have to live with that.

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