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More UKIP idiocy..

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Perhaps it's just selective word blindness on your part..


Not one bit of it. All you have done is use someone else's quote to try to make out you said something you didn't say. So it's just one more of your lies I'm afraid. I stand by everything I said before.

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If you read what i wrote i said i dont agree with what he said. Marry a horse as far as i care.


But should all our politicians be robots. Surely that defeats the object of democracy.


Maybe most of the people in his constituency agree with him.


It was the bold I was commenting on.


At least he's honest.


I dont agree with what he said but its good to see politicians saying what they really believe in, instead of the same old false promises, kissing of babies & soundbites.


Why do they all have to agree that gay marriage is a good thing.


Surely thats the whole point of parliament & democracy. To have different views & opinions on the society we live in.


I don't think anyone should attempt to deny others rights based on a religious belief.

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Just talking about equal rights for all. Saying that though your silence speaks volumes.


So if some people have the right to live in an country that allows gay marriage, what about the people that want the right to live in a country without gay marriage, its simply not possible to give everyone what they want. So there can never be equal rights for all.

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So if some people have the right to live in an country that allows gay marriage, what about the people that want the right to live in a country without gay marriage, its simply not possible to give everyone what they want. So there can never be equal rights.


There are other countries they could move to. Sub Saharan Africa is popular with homophobes.

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