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More UKIP idiocy..

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He may have joined UKIP because of their policy on gay marriage, as he is entitled to do.


So are you going to admit you lied when you said "UKIP took him on board simply because of his opposition to gay marriage".


I didn't lie. He left the Tories over gay marriage. He wouldn't have joined UKIP otherwise. It was the only issue he was interested in and the one that has got him into trouble. Obvious really. As you think it's normal to believe floods are due to god's wrath over gay marriage then your critical faculties need new batteries.

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I didn't lie. He left the Tories over gay marriage. He wouldn't have joined UKIP otherwise. It was the only issue he was interested in and the one that has got him into trouble. Obvious really. As you think it's normal to believe floods are due to god's wrath over gay marriage then your critical faculties need new batteries.


You're claim is that UKIP admitted him because of his views on gay marriage.


That is a lie.


Anybody can go on the UKIP webiste, fill in their details with a credit card, and join the party. To claim UKIP have somehow admitted him as a member on the basis of a view he has expressed, is a lie.


The rest of your post was predictable, as trolls generally are.

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I was pointing out your hypocrisy in complaining that euthanasia was not available to some but was to others. Then when it was a question of something you didn't want to be available you weren't complaining.



Nothing I have said is hypocrisy, nor have I complained, just pointed out that equality isn't possible.


You appear to think I have said something that I haven't said.

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But UKIP took him on board simply because of his opposition to gay marriage and then failed to suspend him when he made his original comments about the floods being caused by god's wrath over gay marriage. UKIP seemed happy enough to have him as a councillor then. They only suspended him when he went on the radio after being told not to. They didn't suspend him for his views.


Their immigration policy is the only one they have.

Do you think they should have and why?


Why do you think he shouldn't have the right to think what he wants?


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 12:23 ----------


The kind of response I'd expect from an adept twister of words such as yourself :roll:


I can't decide if it is intentional or they just lack a basic understanding of English.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 12:27 ----------


Because you're response to my post wasn't responding to what I posted, you responded to what you thought you read but didn't.



I've also noticed this pattern of responding to things that were not said.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 12:33 ----------


So why do we legislation protecting us from discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, disability etc?


Because life isn't fair nor equal for all, legislation helps to balance out this inequality, but it doesn't and never will give everyone equality.

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