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More UKIP idiocy..

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Do you think they should have and why?


Why do you think he shouldn't have the right to think what he wants?


He can think what he likes. If he'd kept it to himself no one would know what he was thinking. It was writing and speaking his views that got him into trouble. Anyway it was UKIP who suspended him. You should be having a go at them.


You should like round the world and see the suffering....


The UK isn't a country in which everyone as equal rights, so I'm not sure what point you are making.


Its neither good or bad, its just the way it as to be.


I can't decide if it is intentional or they just lack a basic understanding of English.


Oh, the irony.

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He can think what he likes. If he'd kept it to himself no one would know what he was thinking. It was writing and speaking his views that got him into trouble. Anyway it was UKIP who suspended him. You should be having a go at them.


So now you also think people shouldn't have the right to express their opinions.
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Because life isn't fair nor equal for all, legislation helps to balance out this inequality, but it doesn't and never will give everyone equality.


So at what point should we all give up and decide that certain groups should accept they're just not equal?


Would it be far to say that you wouldn't belong to a group that would be considered not worthy of equal rights, free prescriptions aside of course?

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So at what point should we all give up and decide that certain groups should accept they're just not equal?

You can fight for equality for as long as you like, you won't achieve it but I'm not opposed to you trying.

Would it be far to say that you wouldn't belong to a group that would be considered not worthy of equal rights, free prescriptions aside of course?



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Don't you think we all have a responsibility not to deny rights to others?


I don't deny gay people the right to get married

I don't deny peoples right to oppose gay marriage,

I don't deny gay people rights to open a gay only bar.

I don't deny people the right to open a no gays bar.


I'm quite happy for people to do as they like as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.

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I don't deny gay people the right to get married

I don't deny peoples right to oppose gay marriage,

I don't deny gay people rights to open a gay only bar.

I don't deny people the right to open a no gays bar.


I'm quite happy for people to do as they like as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.


So you're fine with discrimination, fair enough. You could have said that from the start and saved all this.

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