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More UKIP idiocy..

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I didn't lie. He left the Tories over gay marriage. He wouldn't have joined UKIP otherwise. It was the only issue he was interested in and the one that has got him into trouble. Obvious really. As you think it's normal to believe floods are due to god's wrath over gay marriage then your critical faculties need new batteries.


Come on though... be consistent. Yes, anyone who thinks the floods are due to God's wrath is idiotic but it is no more idiotic than believing God's wrath means all homosexuals are condemned to burn in hell for eternity! Religion is the real idiot here so why try and pin it on UKIP? :suspect:


I'm afraid that trying to paint UKIP as a party of loons is not going to stop people from voting for them. UKIP are a means to an end for people who have lost patience with the main parties who have failed to addressing concerns about immigration and creeping EU federalisation. Most people who will vote for UKIP do not want, nor expect, them to take power... they'll be happy with them holding the balance of power and trading it for action on those two issues.

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They're a protest party, that's all they ever will be. A magnet for the demented and the disaffected, providing they don't ever challenge Nigel's newsworthiness by going on about sluts, bongo-bongo land or God's wrath for gay marriage - at which point they're out.


I'm not excluding the major parties from my contempt, lest you think I'm just anti-UKIP.


It's just that, for amusement value, UKIP is the party that keeps on giving, more than any other by a country mile.

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UKIP councillor david alexander attributes the recent floods to divine retribution for moves towards gay equality which, he explains, are 'arrogantly against the bible'.


hear hear mate, it's refreshing to have someone unafraid to speak the obvious truth.


if i remember. somewhere in the distant past that god destroyed the cities of Soddom and Gommorrah because they had become dens of vice and iniquity? (is that the word?)

when we had the sheffield flood in 2007, one of the badly affected areas was neepsend. strange that, considering a lot of the sheffield prostitutes ply their trade in that area. Ahem, perhaps we are being warned.

will someone let me know when that religious ex councillor starts building an ark?

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Really? Indulge me.




Its already very clear that you wouldn't understand.


Just by denying someone the right to run their business according to their religious beliefs means you are discriminating against them, but you won't understand that concept.

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It's just that, for amusement value, UKIP is the party that keeps on giving, more than any other by a country mile.


It is true that UKIP religious induced ****-ups are certainly funnier than Labour's. But then again there isn't much funny about the consequence of the religious beliefs of the last Labour PM that helped persuade him to invade Iraq.


Let us join hands and pray... no more bloody religion.

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UKIP are a means to an end for people who have lost patience with the main parties who have failed to addressing concerns about immigration and creeping EU federalisation. Most people who will vote for UKIP do not want, nor expect, them to take power... they'll be happy with them holding the balance of power and trading it for action on those two issues.


That works for me.





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yup! see the poll at the top of one of my threads.


As if about 30 people is somehow representative of the country. One of the UKIP voters was southcoast, a former BNP organiser who supports the Holocaust and has posted loads of anti-Semitic rants on here. But UKIP isn't attracting right-wing loons, is it?


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 14:41 ----------


Come on though... be consistent. Yes, anyone who thinks the floods are due to God's wrath is idiotic but it is no more idiotic than believing God's wrath means all homosexuals are condemned to burn in hell for eternity! Religion is the real idiot here so why try and pin it on UKIP? :suspect:


I'm afraid that trying to paint UKIP as a party of loons is not going to stop people from voting for them. UKIP are a means to an end for people who have lost patience with the main parties who have failed to addressing concerns about immigration and creeping EU federalisation. Most people who will vote for UKIP do not want, nor expect, them to take power... they'll be happy with them holding the balance of power and trading it for action on those two issues.


UKIP accepted him knowing what he was. And I like how you admit that a lot of UKIP voters don't want them to take power. It says a lot that people who are mad enough to vote UKIP know how mad UKIP is.


As for your being in coalition, the only party you can be in coalition with is the Conservative Party. But you can only do that by taking enough votes off them to get MPs elected. But if you do that Labour will gain too and thus deprive the Tories and UKIP of a majority. A Tory-UKIP coalition would also split the Tories down the middle and weaken them massively. They need to hold the centre ground to get elected and siding with UKIP would lose them that ground and a lot of MPs and voters with it.

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