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More UKIP idiocy..

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if this pair had been turned away from a muslim B&B, would the B&B owners have been taken to court . probably not.


Ah the old white bigots get prosecuted but non-white bigots don't and therefore whites are persecuted argument. Instead of criticise white bigots he prefers to make out they're victims of, er, bigotry.

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Where have my beliefs discriminated anyone?


You believe that religious people shouldn't be allowed to discriminate based on their beliefs, therefor you you believe in discrimination against people because of their beliefs. As I have said, I can run my business in full accordance to my beliefs, but someone with a different set of beliefs can't, hence they don't have the same rights as me. I also don't expect you to understand.

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I found this link:






I wonder how they would have felt if the two men were hetero, married to women and were just sharing a bed to save money, like BF says!

That's a point.

These two men used to be regularly seen in bed together, and no one battered an eyelid.


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