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More UKIP idiocy..

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I suppose you think it was ok for that Muslim woman that worked in a chemist to refuse to serve women the morning after contraception pill?


Perhaps you didn't know Christian pharmacists do it as well?



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I'm saying that I can run my business according to my belief's, but some people with different beliefs can't, meaning they don't have the same rights that I have.


You can both believe whatever you want. Neither of you has, nor should have, the right to refuse service to customers or otherwise discriminate against against them for the reasons that were listed.

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Does UKIP or do you personally entertain the notion of repealing any of the antidiscriminatory legislation described my snaily boy up the page?


I personally wouldn't repeal any anti'discrimination laws. I've not heard that it is UKIP policy (sure we would have if it was) but perhaps you know something we don't?


Whilst we are clarifying positions... why do you attribute the idiocy in question to UKIP when his comments were based on his religious, not political, beliefs? Shouldn't your thread be titled 'More Religious Idiocy"?

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I don't think it's right that people should be allowed to discriminate based on religious beliefs, or any beliefs as it happens.


There is no right to discriminate at work, in education, as a consumer, when using public services, when buying or renting property, as a member or guest of a private club or association,




'It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:



being or becoming a transsexual person

being married or in a civil partnership

being pregnant or having a child


race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

religion, belief or lack of religion/belief


sexual orientation'


Which group(s) isn't (aren't) worthy of protection?


But you do think its right to discriminate against someone because of their beliefs.


Despite that we still don't allow people with certain religious beliefs to run their business in accordance to those beliefs, whilst other can run their business in accordance with their beliefs.


This is clearly discrimination against some people because of their beliefs, and you appear happy with it.

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I think its wrong that a person cant have their own beliefs without be frowned upon. If I dont like something, is it wrong to say it publicly? Yet is it OK for the person who dosent like my beliefs to say so?

Is it that simple?

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A belief in a religion should carry no more weight than a belief in socialism or liberalism or a belief that on the second Friday of every month you have to ride into town naked on the back of a Hungarian cow.


That must be why Zsa Zsa Gabor divorced George Sanders.

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