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More UKIP idiocy..

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Yes they are. But when you are an elected representative and you express these views you must expect them to be challenged and ridiculed.




Most people who object to gay marriage tend to be un-educated or religiously motivated. You can deduce from this that an objection to gay marriage is irrational.


That is out of order.

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Well it's true. The majority objected due to religious reasons and some objected out of prejudice.


As pointed out earlier, 600,000 actually put 'pen to paper' to object.


I still struggle to understand what actual effect they thought same sex marriage would have in their life that they felt the need to object.

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Im confused too.



May I boldly suggest you retire from the thread? Really and in all honesty you really are coming over as a plank. So in your own interest it might be wise to consider it. I just hate to see a man pinned to the wall and used as a dartboard.

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As pointed out earlier, 600,000 actually put 'pen to paper' to object.


I still struggle to understand what actual effect they thought same sex marriage would have in their life that they felt the need to object.


It's like 600,000 people putting pen to paper to object to a man in Newcastle having two sugars in his tea.


I don't care what oooo says the driver for the majority was religion. With a few others being socially conservative or just plain homophobic.

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