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More UKIP idiocy..

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As pointed out earlier, 600,000 actually put 'pen to paper' to object.


I still struggle to understand what actual effect they thought same sex marriage would have in their life that they felt the need to object.



Floods, pestilence.

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Well it's true. The majority objected due to religious reasons and some objected out of prejudice.


Its not true Jmack. Level headed people can oppose things for much more than religion or prejudice. Im neither, nor do I have any interest in who mates with who, as its not my place to interfere. But I do oppose being told that this man was wrong, when in essence he spoke only from the bible, as is his right to do so, even though I also believe it was a stupid thing to say, but it was his choice.

How this can transpire into questioning my education, morals or religion is unjust and unfair, to say the least.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:08 ----------


May I boldly suggest you retire from the thread? Really and in all honesty you really are coming over as a plank. So in your own interest it might be wise to consider it. I just hate to see a man pinned to the wall and used as a dartboard.


And that really speaks volumes about you.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:09 ----------


Then, with respect, you must be a bit slow.


It's me saying what I think.


Didnt expect anything less from you chum. Always the same old, same old.

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Its not true Jmack. Level headed people can oppose things for much more than religion or prejudice. Im neither, nor do I have any interest in who mates with who, as its not my place to interfere. But I do oppose being told that this man was wrong, when in essence he spoke only from the bible, as is his right to do so, even though I also believe it was a stupid thing to say, but it was his choice.

How this can transpire into questioning my education, morals or religion is unjust and unfair, to say the least.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:08 ----------



And that really speaks volumes about you.


So you oppose gay marriage?


Also that man was wrong! A basic understanding of meteorology tells you that. As for the "he spoke from the bible" bit I don't care. He can speak from the bible or form his Harry Potter books they are equally untrue.

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Its not true Jmack. Level headed people can oppose things for much more than religion or prejudice. Im neither, nor do I have any interest in who mates with who, as its not my place to interfere. But I do oppose being told that this man was wrong, when in essence he spoke only from the bible, as is his right to do so, even though I also believe it was a stupid thing to say, but it was his choice.

How this can transpire into questioning my education, morals or religion is unjust and unfair, to say the least.


Then you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He is clearly wrong in my view - and if you agree with him that gay marriage is wrong or that it causes floods, then yes, you guessed it, it's my view that you'd be wrong too.

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No..it just says, stand in a bucket, you're leaking all over the place.


A really bad quote in your profession.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:15 ----------


Then you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He is clearly wrong in my view - and if you agree with him that gay marriage is wrong or that it causes floods, then yes, you guessed it, it's my view that you'd be wrong too.


Thats your normal view Halibut. Nothing new there at all.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:16 ----------


So you oppose gay marriage?


Also that man was wrong! A basic understanding of meteorology tells you that. As for the "he spoke from the bible" bit I don't care. He can speak from the bible or form his Harry Potter books they are equally untrue.


Yes, I think its wrong. But that dosent mean you cant think its OK. Do you see my point yet?

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Didnt expect anything less from you chum. Always the same old, same old.


Oh, come on; I was being very gentle with you.


You couldn't tell the difference between me expressing an opinion and telling you what to think. That's very lame.


Try this one - a) Anchovies are great. No other fish will do.


b) You should believe that anchovies are the best fish.

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A really bad quote in your profession.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:15 ----------



Thats your normal view Halibut. Nothing new there at all.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 20:16 ----------



Yes, I think its wrong. But that dosent mean you cant think its OK. Do you see my point yet?


I think your point of view is fairly insane to be honest, why you'd want to stop a couple of people who love each other making a commitment which does not effect you in anyway is both vindictive and bigoted. But you have a right to hold your view. Me making fun of your frankly nutty world view does not infringe in your right to hold it what so ever.

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Yes, I think its wrong. But that dosent mean you cant think its OK. Do you see my point yet?


You've changed your tune, you were just telling people off for pointing out that this UKIP geezer is foolish and wrongheaded.

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