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More UKIP idiocy..

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how can it be that someone can be against homosexuality, yet be be condemned for this? I was one of the 600,000 people that petitioned against gay marriage, and I'm not ashamed of saying so. Regardless of what some of these do-gooders say or do, there are still some of us who believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Also, if some think this is wrong and not "PC", then so be it, that is your right, just as it is mine to find it unnatural and against every thread of human evolution.

He's not just being condemned for his views on homosexuality, it's more his associating gay marriage with with natural disasters, now thats not so trivial..remember people died? So he's effectively he's blaming gay folks for those deaths. As for the sanctity of marriage, how does gay marriage affect that? Does it devalue how you feel about your wife or husband? Do you think homosexuals don't feel the same intensity of love for their partners as you or I do?

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You're completely wrong about it being unnatural and 'against evolution' but I respect your right to be wrong.


I'm glad you agree with me Halibut. :suspect:

Let me put it another way, without lowering the tone.

Its physically unnatural and evolution could not continue under the "rules" of homosexuality, whether it be male or female.

It is their right to be themselves, but that dosent mean that its right.

I enjoy fetishism, which to some is distasteful, and that is fine by me. That is their opinion, and quite rightly so, but its a private thing, that is not publicly displayed for all to see. Children are impressionable, and they are the one's who shouldn't be privvy to public displays of homosexuality, or fetishism either.

The image of stable family life is paramount.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 08:50 ----------


He's not just being condemned for his views on homosexuality, it's more his associating gay marriage with with natural disasters, now thats not so trivial..remember people died? So he's effectively he's blaming gay folks for those deaths. As for the sanctity of marriage, how does gay marriage affect that? Does it devalue how you feel about your wife or husband? Do you think homosexuals don't feel the same intensity of love for their partners as you or I do?



I think the ukip blokes reasoning was stupid regarding the flood statement. Whether he is against gay marriage is his right, provided he makes a more coherent argument.

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I'm glad you agree with me Halibut. :suspect:

Let me put it another way, without lowering the tone.

Its physically unnatural and evolution could not continue under the "rules" of homosexuality, whether it be male or female.

It is their right to be themselves, but that dosent mean that its right.

I enjoy fetishism, which to some is distasteful, and that is fine by me. That is their opinion, and quite rightly so, but its a private thing, that is not publicly displayed for all to see. Children are impressionable, and they are the one's who shouldn't be privvy to public displays of homosexuality, or fetishism either.

The image of stable family life is paramount.

Genetics does play a part in homosexuality, its sounds wrong because you would expect the genes responsible to disappear over time, but the same group of genes are also responsible for increased fertility in women, this increased fertility in women out ways the downside of people being gay, and ensures the gay genes are passed down the generations.

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Genetics does play a part in homosexuality, its sounds wrong because you would expect the genes responsible to disappear over time, but the same group of genes are also responsible for increased fertility in women, this increased fertility in women out ways the downside of people being gay, and ensures the gay genes are passed down the generations.



Science is a clever thing, and this is very interesting. I will google it and read the statements. Thank you for that.:)

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"....UKIP’s pronouncements on subjects ranging from immigration (“bleating blacks and Asians… why don’t they stop whining and get a life?”), to women’s rights (“No self-respecting businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age”), to terrorism (the UK's position in the EU is analogous to Chechnya's position in Russia), to gay rights (“I don’t want to campaign around gays… I don’t think they do a lot for society”)."



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There were plenty of column inches for UKIP in The Sun on Sunday.....Generally positive stuff.


They're certainly making their mark and ruffling a few feathers, as 23 pages of nonsense on here proves.....Bring on the elections. :clap:





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Science is a clever thing, and this is very interesting. I will google it and read the statements. Thank you for that.:)


You should also look up Epigenetics,


As an organism grows and develops, carefully orchestrated chemical reactions activate and deactivate parts of the genome at strategic times and in specific locations. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state.


Genes that should be inactive can activate and genes that should be active can deactivate, this can influence many things including ones sexuality.

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Genes that should be inactive can activate and genes that should be active can deactivate, this can influence many things including ones sexuality.


Can it also effect ones bigotry and weather?


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 09:37 ----------


There were plenty of column inches for UKIP in The Sun on Sunday.....Generally positive stuff.








But you have to make the effort and go buy The Sun.

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They're certainly making their mark and ruffling a few feathers, as 23 pages of nonsense on here proves.....Bring on the elections. :clap:


I wouldn't confuse the volume of commentary with support, Silvester's ruffling feathers for all the wrong reasons as far as UKIP's concerned.

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