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More UKIP idiocy..

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"In many, many cases, women make different choices in life to the ones that men make simply for biological reasons," he said. "If a woman has a client base and has a child and takes two or three years off work, she is worth far less to the employer when she comes back than when she goes away because her client base cannot be stuck rigidly to her."


Resorting to telling porkies are you.


He's stating the obvious.


Desperate are we? I quoted him verbatim.


His views are only obvious to male chauvinists. When word gets round how UKIP feels about women how many women do you think will vote UKIP. Vote UKIP and be worth less to your boss as a result. UKIP's main appeal is to middle-aged male reactionaries like yourself.

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The latest opinion poll shows UKIP getting 11% of the vote at the next General Election, and ending up with zero MPs in the Commons as a result.


On this poll 19% said they'd vote for UKIP and 27% have them as their favourable party, which is slightly higher than any of the others.




I think one of the problems UKIP has is convincing those who favour them that it's not a wasted vote voting for them.


Your post is one of a few I've seen trying to play the wasted vote card in order to discourage people from voting for them.


I'd say to anybody out there, if UKIP tick the boxes that matter to you, vote for them regardless of others suggesting it's a wasted vote. If UKIP can build up a head of steam, as seems to be happening, then they may yet change the political landscape in this country.





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"In many, many cases, women make different choices in life to the ones that men make simply for biological reasons," he said. "If a woman has a client base and has a child and takes two or three years off work, she is worth far less to the employer when she comes back than when she goes away because her client base cannot be stuck rigidly to her."


Resorting to telling porkies are you.


He's stating the obvious.


Throughout my life I've worked with well motivated individuals and less well motivated individuals of both sexes and Ive probably fallen into the motivated and not so motivated camps myself at various times. I've known men who can find time for two rounds of golf during the working week, which although is dressed up as an afternoon of networking it usually meant they took the majority of the day off getting slowly hammered.


The working mother's I knew were disciplined and organised because they had to be, in terms of their family lives which they invariably took responsibility for, and their business ones because they were well aware that the 'middle aged reactionaries' Le Maquis referred to were watching and waiting for them to fail..so most didn't and in fact made those men look damned stupid.

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Desperate are we? I quoted him verbatim.


His views are only obvious to male chauvinists. When word gets round how UKIP feels about women how many women do you think will vote UKIP. Vote UKIP and be worth less to your boss as a result. UKIP's main appeal is to middle-aged male reactionaries like yourself.


:hihi: Now that is desperate stuff. You are oozing desperation these days Le Maquis :hihi:

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I'd say to anybody out there, if UKIP tick the boxes that matter to you, vote for them regardless of others suggesting it's a wasted vote. If UKIP can build up a head of steam, as seems to be happening, then they may yet change the political landscape in this country.






Those boxes?


Ban Immigration?

Put Women back in A-line skirts and gingham blouses?

Blame gays for famine and pestilence?

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