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More UKIP idiocy..

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But Nigel says that women who give birth are worth less to their boss than men and women who don't give birth. I wonder what he thinks of his wife and ex-wife.


And of course he is right.Someone who is going to actually be at work when needed will always be worth more and if your thick enough to think they are not then you obviously dont run a business or pay the massive expence which absence causes.

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Most of that is about the EU and immigration. There is no mention of NHS-funding. There is no mention of abortion which UKIP opposes but doesn't like to admit to. There is no mention of housing other than prioritising social housing for people whose parents were born locally, which would make it hard for people to move from one part of the country to the other. And there is no mention of education apart from grammar schools. Is that it?


And then there is Leave the EU to prevent foreign criminals entering the UK despite the fact that Farage recently met with Rupert Murdoch to decide who should be the next PM despite Murdoch being a foreigner whose media empire is in court at the moment.

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Most of that is about the EU and immigration. There is no mention of NHS-funding. There is no mention of abortion which UKIP opposes but doesn't like to admit to. There is no mention of housing other than prioritising social housing for people whose parents were born locally, which would make it hard for people to move from one part of the country to the other. And there is no mention of education apart from grammar schools. Is that it?


And then there is Leave the EU to prevent foreign criminals entering the UK despite the fact that Farage recently met with Rupert Murdoch to decide who should be the next PM despite Murdoch being a foreigner whose media empire is in court at the moment.


NHS funding


Could be cut drastically if Anyone who can get to its doors wernt entitled to use it for free


Social housing


Most UK residents have given up hope of using that facility.


Who cares about Murdock and his 100's of channels of adverts!

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NHS funding


Could be cut drastically if Anyone who can get to its doors wernt entitled to use it for free


You see this is the classic 'hook'-'ban people who aren't entitled to it from using the NHS and make drastic savings!' Sounds great doesn't it, but how drastic would those savings be?

Social housing


Most UK residents have given up hope of using that facility.


What are UKIP's plans to address the shortage of affordable housing?

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NHS funding


Could be cut drastically if Anyone who can get to its doors wernt entitled to use it for free


Social housing


Most UK residents have given up hope of using that facility.


Who cares about Murdock and his 100's of channels of adverts!


So UKIP are looking to cut NHS funding? :o So even though we do not have the same levels of healthcare funding as other comparable countries, UKIP believe that we should cut this funding even further. :o

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So UKIP are looking to cut NHS funding? :o So even though we do not have the same levels of healthcare funding as other comparable countries, UKIP believe that we should cut this funding even further. :o


maybe if we stop the scrounging immigrants, we can afford to better the NHS, and I know not all immigrants are scroungers, I like the ones who come here, integrate and gain employment.. nothing wrong with that... but I;m sure britain can manage without those who wander the streets all day, clearly not dressed for our climate...

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NHS funding


Could be cut drastically if Anyone who can get to its doors wernt entitled to use it for free


Social housing


Most UK residents have given up hope of using that facility.


Who cares about Murdock and his 100's of channels of adverts!


In other words UKIP don't have policies other than whining about the EU and immigration. Social care? Leave the EU. Higher education? Leave the EU? Transport? Leave the EU? Defence? Leave the EU.


Farage cares about Murdoch. He met with him to discuss replacing Cameron as PM in a Tory-UKIP coalition. In other words a foreigner gets to decide who is PM in a government containing a party standing for UK independence. Right.

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maybe if we stop the scrounging immigrants, we can afford to better the NHS, and I know not all immigrants are scroungers, I like the ones who come here, integrate and gain employment.. nothing wrong with that... but I;m sure britain can manage without those who wander the streets all day, clearly not dressed for our climate...


The trouble is if you base your economic prosperity on stopping 'scrounging immigrants' from using the NHS, then there are going to be big holes in the sums.

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