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Is the UKIP policy costed?


Simple question really.


I would think the costings for all party policies will be revealed when their election manifestos come out.


Whether people want to believe those costings is another matter, afterall, Labour were so far out with their figures they nearly bankrupted the country.





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I agree, it was a far better way to train nurses.


Not its not.


The nurses role has changed. In the past the junior doctors used to do stupid hours, often over 100 per week. The working time directive changed all this. To make up for this short fall of junior doctor hours some of their roles were given to nurses. Obviously this meant that the nurses would take on extra responsibilities for which they would need extra training.


I'm not saying that it wouldn't be nice to have someone to perform a role in-between a support worker and a registered nurse, what I am suggesting is that it is a waste of resources to reinvent a role and then reorganise the set up of nursing within the NHS.


The money would be a lot better spent hiring more support workers and registered nurses. Which after all has been found to be one the key factors at the heart of the recent problems.

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Is the UKIP policy costed?


Simple question really.


Affordable within the existing health budget as a % of GDP


The UKIP will continue to provide a comprehensive service in line with current NHS spending. It will make savings by cutting several administrative layers of bureaucracy and by improving the procurement process.

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I would think the costings for all party policies will be revealed when their election manifestos come out.


Whether people want to believe those costings is another matter, afterall, Labour were so far out with their figures they nearly bankrupted the country.






Bingo! They'll all have different costings, they'll all disagree with each others, they'll all claim their figures are the right version of the truth. None of them are proveable until elected. I doubt people cast their vote on the basis of the costings, what matters more is who you most believe and who you most agree with in what they want to achieve.

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