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More UKIP idiocy..

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Seriously ? Not even a real party url ?


How about looking at :


http://faggotscauserain-ukip.org/ukip-education-policy/ - their education policy is based on the number of homosexuals in the constituency (and the prevailing weather at the time) or...


http://onetrickpony-ukip.org/ukip-education-policy/ - their education policy is based on the number of non-whites in a constituency and finally...


http://iwanttopaymoretax-ukip.org/ukip-education-policy/ - their education policy is based on people paying more tax under them.


Decisions, decisions.... :P

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If you're an immigrant then why do you support an anti-immigrant party?


If you're Canadian then why are you so interested in British politics?


canadian ?? no.. canadian resident.. theres a difference, you can Google it... yes i was an immigrant, however I integrated,payed taxes and contributed to the canadian society, and I liked, not hated canada... big difference between certain immigrants...

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canadian ?? no.. canadian resident.. theres a difference, you can Google it... yes i was an immigrant, however I integrated,payed taxes and contributed to the canadian society, and I liked, not hated canada... big difference between certain immigrants...


So most immigrants in the UK don't integrate, contribute to society and pay taxes? I'd suggest you go and see who's working in the NHS to witness them but as you live on another continent you're not in a position to know what's going on over here.

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So most immigrants in the UK don't integrate, contribute to society and pay taxes? I'd suggest you go and see who's working in the NHS to witness them but as you live on another continent you're not in a position to know what's going on over here.


This is drifting a bit off topic, but about 5 to 10 years ago I'd got a bit of fractured bone in my toe and had to have a minor operation with the toenail being removed.


The guy who did the operation could hardly speak a word of English and the nurse who was helping him was having to guess what he meant when he kept trying to describe the implement he wanted to use to carry out various parts of the procedure.


He sorted my problem, so no complaints from me, but should we be employing surgeons/doctors from overseas who can't speak the language properly? - To my mind there needs to be proper communication between doctor/surgeon and patient and also doctor/surgeon and nurse.





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He sorted my problem, so no complaints from me, but should we be employing surgeons/doctors from overseas who can't speak the language properly?


You've answered your own question. The operation was carried out properly which it wouldn't have been without the overseas surgeon. Of course it would be better if we had staff who speak English but when there's a shortage then it's either a question of an overseas surgeon or no operation. In your case it worked. It may not always do so but in your case they got round the language barrier and the surgeon performed the operation.

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You've answered your own question. The operation was carried out properly which it wouldn't have been without the overseas surgeon. Of course it would be better if we had staff who speak English but when there's a shortage then it's either a question of an overseas surgeon or no operation. In your case it worked. It may not always do so but in your case they got round the language barrier and the surgeon performed the operation.


The question for me is why are we having to rely on bringing in surgeons who can't speak the language?


Doctors/surgeons are well paid professions, so why is there a shortage of qualified Brits to do the job? - It's not as though we have full employment and/or it's a poorly paid profession.


I found it all very bizarre.





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